
Why are jamaicans so good at sprinting?

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Why are jamaicans so good at sprinting?




  1. Black people generally are better at sprints as they have a lot of fast twitch muscles.

    These fast twitch muscles give you very good reactions and itin abless you to get off the mark FAST.

    For around 6 seconds of a 100m race they work on an energy system called ATP-PC then for the remainder of the race - around 3 seconds - they work on an energy system that produces Lactate again Black peopleespeciallyy those from around the Caribbean can get rid of this Lactate quicker making them faster and better in the sprints.

  2. Its all to do with genetics and bone structure.

    Have you ever seen an African jockey? Its the same as swimming---the bone structure wont allow these guys to be either one.

  3. Because they're used to running from the coppers, lol. Being serious, Bolt's performance was unbelievable and could he be the first man to run under 9 seconds in the future? Its possible.

  4. Jamaicans are good at many things, it's just not in the lime light as the olympics are. think of all the great Jamaicans and what they have accomplished, like Bob Marley, Marcus Garvey, even Collin Powell is of Jamaican descent.

  5. To make up for poor swimming skills and c**p haircuts.

  6. Because its the ONLY sport that requires the least money. Hence all the Jamaicans  will get a medal eventually as its there national sport! If you give them money to buy a rowing boat or cycle theyll be zooming ahead too!

  7. they are born with more fast twitch fibres in their muscles which are crucial for good sprinting. Theyre just lucky

  8. i smell haters

  9. because they are naturally good

    They don't need steroids to win.  

  10. i have no idea but there is no doubt they are !

  11. Because their country evolves around sport from a very young age.

  12. they train....HARD

  13. I was watching something about this last night on TV. They have been doing research on this and studies have show that 70% of Jamaicans have a certain protein in their bodies (not sure what it's called) that allows them to run faster. The same study was to Australians and this protein was only found in 30% of the population. This is why Jamacians can run faster.

  14. Not being racist or anything but black people have stronger thighs and muscles in there legs they are just born with it on the other hand white people are better swimmers because they are born with other stronger points in their arms.

    hope this helps


    please email me


  15. Cornmeal porridge and steam fish an green banana

  16. Two words: Jamaica Food

  17. Did you see Colin Jacksons documentary 'What makes me me?' He is jamaican in origin and found out that over 92% of Jamaicans have these fast twitch muscles. However he also found out that over 80% of Europeans have these muscles so it's not all genetics and luck as some people have stated. He showed the school athletics championships of Jamaica and it was like a mini Olympics. Athletics is in their blood over there and sprinting is their national sport, when a country has a heritage of being good at a certain sport that seeps into peoples psyche and they are bought up wanting to run and to emulate these positive role models. No other country apart from America perhaps puts so much emphasis on athletics and sprinting in particular.

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