
Why are kids maturing at faster rates today then they were when we were growing up?

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i've noticed that five and six year olds are starting to act like little adults, why?????!!!!!!




  1. Television and the mainstream is literally brainwashing children.

    And going to school with less sheltered kids.

    You learn alot in school besides education and sending them to a private school or an academy etc. won't help at all.

    And plus if your tripping out about your 6 year old learning the "P word"

    as you so innocently put it then thats a start to a problem already.

    Dont shelter your children.

    Naturally rebellion comes hard but if you are sheltering and keeping them from the way things really are its gonna come like FIRE!!

    Which im not saying thats what you do but I dont think its as big of a deal you as you think it is.

    You cant just teach them the difference between right and wrong sometimes they just have to witness it.

  2. honestly i feel the same way too with my kids. It's probably because of the TV and other media tools.

  3. honestly Tv, internet media, music they have access to more adult things back in my childhood, about 9 years ago, i was watching Doug and playing tag, now 10 year olds  watching prego teens on degrassi and trying to get into clubs. my sister is 5 years younger than me and she acts way more "grown" than i do.

  4. media/ T.V/ commercials/ other kids on the playground/  

  5. well to be honest...i think its terrible cuz my childhood was sooo worry free and carefree...its an amazing feeling. but today you almost have to mature them quicker as parents...there is so much more they need to know these days than back when we were young. of course i was told dont get in the car with strangers...dont do this or be careful that but today you really need to inform your children of how serious and dangerous our world can be or just like that something terrible could happen to them. its very sad. like just the other day i seen on the news where icecream truck driver was trying to abduct children. of course i had to bring this up to my child (hes 6). he plays outside our home with other kids and i keep a close eye on him. he does get icecreamss from a truck and it scares me to death. its not something you would normally think especially when i was a kid. but he needs to know just cuz they are nice and bring icecream they are not always good people. yea so im blabbing lol...just wanted to share my thoughts.

    i do agree tv internet and cell phones ect are part of it but that is also our world evolving and theres nothing we can do

  6. Combination of parenting (and the lack thereof), and the media.

    Monitor what they watch.  Read the magazines they read.  Listen to their music.  Make them play outside.  

  7. T.V and internet

  8. i disagree...

  9. its the media!!! if your 23 and want to become a model your considered too old..its ridiculous. i think to keep your kids young, you really have to be involved with them and with what you do, dont give them time to watch tv or play video games or text. play games with them and interact!!! keep them busy!!

  10. The MEDIA plays a huge role in this. Just look at the sexualized dolls (eg. "Bratz") they advertise and the idols and their adult lyrics they manufacture.

    The media is everywhere today, and sadly unavoidable.

  11. TV, Music, Video Games, Internet, and a lot of parents not being good parents anymore they dont care what they watch or play. Parents have become lazy and that affects the kids the kids bug them and the parents give in and let them do whatever they want. My cousins kid is able to do whatever she wants while over at her mothers and she acts like a gangster and she is only 8 when asked if she wanted to go see the movie Wall-e she said no cause that is for babies, she watches MTV, Adultswim, listens to rap and plays whatever she wants. Now my little brother who I watch and take care of a lot since my mom works 5 days a week and his dad is out of the picture, I do not allow him to watch all these things or play whatever games he wants I monitor what he watch plays and listens to and he does not act anything like her. just an example.

  12. Because every new generation is smarter.

  13. Im not sure how old you are. But Im 30. Kids havent changed much since i was a kid. At 6 yrs old some kids were swearing when i was 6. When i was 11 girls were going through puberty and many had their periods. When i was 14 some kids were having s*x. There was even a single mother in my class at 15. There pedophiles, kids being abducted and murdered, and a lot of other bad things happening when I was a child. Not all within my neighborhood or even town but they were happening. I was 11 when Jacob Wetterling was abducted in St Joseph Minnesota. I was actually in his grade and school at the time. Kids arent much different now. Its simply that a lot more parents are involved and monitoring their children more now days. 20 years ago it wasnt uncommon for the local park to be filled with kids 6-10 years old with no parents in sight. It wasn't uncommon to send your 10 yr old to the corner store for bread. It wasnt even uncommon for kids as young as 5-6 to walk to school without a parent. I dont know any parent who would be willing to do that now. I think its more a parental perspective then truly that kids have changed.  

  14. Influence from there environment ex. in TV etc.  

  15. these celebrites that they idolize are setting very bad examples

  16. Who?

    Little horror chucky?

    Sure ?

    They are kids?

    Not I -Robots with A.I.?

    Being mass produced and rolled off from faulty production lines.

    Having serial number 666.

    "The Beauty and the Beast"

    Who grew up to be the were-wolves.

    That rip-off their parents and teachers.

    Like the alley cats who run the men who would be king out of town in time for hitting them on the head with the Book of the Dead of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  17. It may have something to do with the way our food is produced nowadays. Cows are given hormones to grow quicker, and even though the FDA says it's safe that may not always be the case. There are pesticides on plants, etc...

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