
Why are kids so dumb these days?

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I don't mean everyone, but this American generation compared to the previous ones is one of the laziest, most spoiled, unhealthy, ungrateful, disprespectful, and more.

I guess you can't really blame them because every generation is usually a little worse than the previous, but 30 years ago, if i did half the tings that youngsters do today, then i would have gotten my butt kicked.




  1. Eh, from my experience and what I know about my own peers...

    (( Y'know, the ones you're complaining about... ))

    I don't know why, but their parents simply do not give a **** anymore or they're not around to catch their kids doing these things, like they're at work.

    Like, one of the girls I know - I'm convinced she'll be a streetcorner hooker...her parents thinks she's an angel because they never catch her doing bad things. They don't...doublecheck to make sure they're okay.

  2. With all due respect, this sounds like something that might have been written any time in the last 100 years.  It is all about perspective.

    I am 43 and I agree with you.  But when my dad was 43, he thought the same thing about me and my friends.  The key is to not judge, to accept the fact that the younger kids will have a differing culture than you do and just establish a personal relationship with them.  This is how you can actually bear some influence on the important character issues.  My kids (15 and 13) know full well I intend to retire, they will have to support themselves economically at some point, and I am not spending my retirement money on their laziness.

  3. It is proven that a child's biggest influence is their parents or lack thereof. Think about it for a minute... Your parents probably said the same things about you and you probably worked hard. And, just so you know, I'm 19, in college paying for it myself with a part time job that I've had for THREE years now. My mom hasn't paid for anything since I got my job and you know what... I have never asked her to. I have never expected anything. I do my chores around the house and so does everyone I've ever known. Spoiled my ***.

  4. I think it's because many parents don't want their kid to be the only one without a ipod, laptop, or some other new tech. stuff.

    Also I think some parents give their children whatever they want because they don't want to be hated by their children.

    My cousin is 10 days older then me and my aunt and mom are twins.

    Truthfully my cousin is very spoiled, she talks back and is very disrespectful. My aunt is a great person but she doesn't want to be like her mom, so she lets my cousin do watever she wants. But my mom is very strict. When we visit our family everyone always says that I am so well behaved and stuff, and it is all because my parents would pull out the belt if I had one toe outta line! of course I was mad at my parents for punishing me but it made me a better person. Also I was homeschooled by my mom for 2 long years...

    So it's not the parents fault it's just that they need to be a parent to their child not only a friend.

    this is coming from a 14 year old's perspective.

  5. See this is what makes no sense.

    Go back generations to where fathers were strict and beat *** right?

    Say the kid does something bad and ends up getting his *** kicked for it.

    Next generation kid has his own kid and does the same thing.

    Now what happened is the generation that everyone ~longs~ for.. a.k.a back in the day WERE THE ONES THAT TURNED THIS GENERATION THIS WAY.

    Think about it.

    Kids are spoiled because there parents didn't give them an *** kicking because the parents of their parents didn't give THEM an *** kicking going back all those generations.

    So really.. the old generations fault for the new generation.

  6. Well you cannot punish your child anymore because they label that as 'abuse'

    Parents are starting to care less ( in my area anyway ) and let their kids drop out.  

    The school systems suck ( I cannot seem to talk to people via email or letter with out using lingo like - ' u r goin 2 c me at da park 4 some basketball')

    Bad influences are in the rise.  The internet makes it easier to get these bad influences.

    Parent's don't take enough time to see what their child is doing.

    "No Child Left Behind" Yea fvcking right.

  7. like you said, each generation is worse than the previous, thats why it seems bad to your generation

  8. I guess I would be considered of this generation since I am only 24, but I agree fully with you. Everyone seems to be given a free pass to be a s***w up. There are no bounderies and no one has respect for anyone.  

  9. These goddamn kids got no sense of responsibilty, they're just sucking on their thumbs right before they stick it right back uo their hindquarters, yup.

  10. You answered your question. Get your butt kicked. If they,Parents or teachers, did that today. They would be put in jail. Say thanks to the liberals for that.

  11. Because now a days you have child protective sevices and things like that, that will take your kids if you kick their butt so you have to be careful back then you didnt have to worry about that  

  12. Maybe it's because the economy doesn't exactly allow a single income families to thrive anymore, a mother or father can't stay home with the kids anymore while the other works because it's a dual income world and day care/extra curricular activities are so expensive that parents let their kids stay home after school and values are not taught to them, Businesses don't let you work your schedule around your kids anymore (at least none of the places I have applied to).........and you can't discipline your children anymore without fear of CPS being called so children know they can get away with it.....I think I was born in the wrong era, I wish I were born back when my grandma was a kid, when you could run around the neighborhood, I'm scared to let my kid out of the house now days....(I'm 24...and this is just my opinion, don't judge me)  

  13. Thats really rude-- It depends on how thy're raised, not what generation it is. Not all kids are ungrateful, especially the ones that would give SO much to get a bite to eat.

    You are the spoiled, ungrateful one.

  14. Well, our generation is not at fault since we can't raise ourselves.  And quite frankly, we didn't cause globle warming and all of that.  Your generation used hairspray just to pick up chicks.  Today, they make hair gel!  Loved the music but screwed us big time since we have the responsability to clean up your generations actions.  Think about it!

  15. in the life where everyone wataching,listening and adore the more or the same you generate a generation of mass that has no life.

  16. I would think that its your generations fault, you belong to the first generation of greed so stop looking out and look in.

    and as far as lazy goes I would not say they are lazy, but want to be at the top first and that's from being coddled and babied.

    trust this if nothing else, it did not just happen.

  17. Excuse me but I work very hard around my house and i still get straight A's in school. I mop, vacuum, dust, load and unload the dish washer, clean up my cats litter box and food, feed my dogs, clean my room, take care of my horses, have swim practice everyday, horseback riding every other, and still somehow find the time to do my 2 hours of homework. So I am not dumb, spoiled, unhealthy, ungrateful, or disrespectful.  

  18. Thirty years ago they didn't have computers. THirty years ago they didn't have cell phones. Thirty years ago is twice my age. First off, you obviously do not have a kid of your own and aren't in a relationship and with an attitude like that you probably never will. Secondly, your old and your probably acting out because of all the abuse you received when you were younger (the butt kicking). Besides, I don't know what neihborhood you live in but if the kids act like that your probably someone they really hate. Hopefully you never have a kid because it will be the dumbest of them all. And btw in case you havent noticed all these kids are waaaaaaay more smart and tech savvy then you will ever be. your probably overweight your self. I bet my IQ is twice as good as yours

  19. Because even a general swat on the bottom for running into a busy street is seen by many as abuse and most parents are afraid to use discipline of any kind or are just plane lazy themselves and don't care how their kids behave.

  20. Parents want their kids to have a better childhood than their own and try to give them whatever toys they want but all they're doing is spoiling them. They're dumber because they waste their time playing with all these new technologies instead of in the old days where people go to the library for entertainment. They're more disrespectful because parents treat them more friendly now than they did back then. They're more lazy because everything can be found on the internet and most foods are microwavable. They're ungrateful because their friends have way more toys then they do.

  21. It's true...most of them are being so spoiled that there natural development is being impeded by everything else. I'm probably part of the generation you are referring to but I consider myself an anomaly...My generation disgusts me.  

  22. Who knows..schools, working parents, lazy parents, CLUELESS parents...just wait, I'm going to turn this BS around when I have kids...revert back to the 80's: no cable, no game systems before 13, no cell until 16, TV for an hour a day, EXERCISE, healthy eating...MY KIDS WILL HATE ME!!!!!

  23. Old people are old jealous and boring. They new generation is the best. So while you speak there are teenagers smater then you, funnier then you, that earn more money then you, that voulenteer more then you do. Plus we look hot and we're in way better shape then the old people falling apart. So why don't you go hang out with MCain

  24. I'm 13 and I must admit I am lazy, spoiled and disrespectful. but I am going to say to everyone who says its the parents faults, its not always the case. my mom always tells me if she did any of this to her mom she would be in so much trouble. and every day I hear it but I just don't listen because I want to do whatever. I just had to say this because I want to defend my mom to the people who say its the parents. my mom works so hard and always trys. but I am just stubborn. =/

  25. I just thought that I would share this with you......I just took a CNA class and the RN that was teaching it told us that we would be the first generation to watch our kids die and not only that it would be our faults because we are in such a rush with having kids working and going to school that we dont feed them right we throw them a pop tart or grab Mcdonalds which also reflects on their behavior because they arent eating properly. She also told me that the farther away that the food looks like the real thing the least healthy it is for you Ex.  a cherry pop tart looks nothing like the a real cherry,  LOL  anyway just thought I would share with you!

  26. I agree. Most of us (I'm 13) are pretty stupid. It's because we're in an environment that's evolving so much. We have more technology and music. Some of us are just spoiled by this and take this for granted. Every thing's changed. Things are more expensive, T.V. and music have different things going on with them, and schools are teaching differently. It's like they say, we have a generation gap. It's because we're all spoiled.  

    EDIT: And also because of stuff that is depressing and suicide. We're also faced with war. It has some effect also.

  27. Come on, you know your parents asked themselves that too when you were a kid. See, most parents have the tendency to forget what it feels like to be a young kid or a teenager and how they themselves acted. I'm not saying it's ok for a kid to do whatever they want, but you have to understand you are seeing this all from a different standpoint. The world has changed a lot in 30 years, and so has everyone, adults included.

  28. It's because people expect so much less of us.  100 years ago, teenagers would have been considered adults.  People nowadays say "their just kids."  So I blame society for my generations shortcomings.  Kids should take on more responsibility!

  29. I see what you a kid myself and i saw all the kids before like in the 70s or earluy 1990s on shows and all that

    i see yer pain but somehow the parents have become more easy going because they eather have divorces and dont have ther mind on the kids

  30. Really?  30 years ago in the 70s where people had "free love" and went to 98435984 dead shows.  And they smoked weed, shrooms, etc.?  That 30 years ago?  Is that the time you're talking about?  Dude, my mother has talked to me about this c**p.  She said it was seriously easier to get drugs and whatnot then than it is now.  And lazy?  I'm sorry. . .  But I see more obese adults than children.

    Tell ya what, we'll say both generations are equal.  Granted, we do some things worse. . .  But your generation probably did other stuff worse than we did.

  31. i really think when our generation (im 20 now so im not that old) becomes adults we will raise better children. i can just feel it.

    plus im not gona let my kid on the ******* internet so he can see 2 girls 1 cup when he's 5 and totally warp his mind

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