
Why are kids so mean to each other?????????

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i was working at a summer camp this summer i was so surprised at how mean the kids were. they didn't care what they said to each other. they all had little groups and if you didn't have a group the would pick on you. children today are just cruel to each makes no sense things are changing but not for the better.




  1. Usually kids r mean 2 each other is that 1 kid wants 2 b respected,but in order 2 get respect is 2 show violence.

  2. look at where they learn it...parental responsibility.

  3. They should be learning everywhere as to how to behave properly.

    The adults in charge at the Camp should make it their business to

    explain proper behavior.

    Isn't that what camp is all about? Having a good time with others?

    Somebody need to step in and teach humanity.


  4. Here's true fact you could take into consideration....

    A lot of kids these days are into influence they are waiting for somebody to give them that path in life, some kids act the way they do because their family could treated them badly, abused them, emotionally, physically or sexually, or they could have just teached them the wrong ways in life because their parents are hypocrites, children tend to take on quickly at what other children do, if the child acts aggressive and mean as a result of family situations, and then that same kid becomes friends with a normal child, that normal child could take on some of the language and vocabulary produced by the other, when you get older it's easier to refrain from acts because your mind is developed more maturely, some kids, actually cannot help their feelings, and may not be able to control their actions at an early age because of possible brain damage, past experiences, phobias, or even a mental illness inherited from genetics, more and more children are becoming mentally ill these days, mostly with ADHD, Bi Polar, and others, but....more and more parents are becoming irresponsible in teaching their children, as a result, it reflects back on the child, who may have a personality disorder, which is incurable it's just the way yourself has turned out.  What I would do is to find out what is wrong with the child, and if they say well "Timmy became my best friend", then go see what's wrong with Timmy....hope this helped, =].

  5. Thats how it is up until and throughout highschool. There will always be groupd of people and everyone not in one is known for being an "outcast". It's not fair, and its stupid. It's just the way it is.  

  6. sometimes it's how the were raised but other than that they are just kids and they have to mature.

  7.    Kids are very limited in their thinking and emotions. They have not learned how to act normal when their  faced in a stiuation when their by theirselves and have no one to monitor and tell them how to act (no offense).

       A child sees another child who is different from himself and they dont know how to act or how to "deal" with the other child so they make fun of the kid becouse thats the only way they know how to "deal" with the other child.

      Eventually the child will learn how to act in a situation with kids(poeple) different from themselves.

  8. because they're ANGRY!!!!!

  9. Please take heart. I am a teacher and some years we have students (usually 130 a year) that are very supportive of each other (like this year) and are polite. And other years, they are hateful toward one another. Sometimes it's just a different balance of personalities. In my school, we set high expectation for how they treat one another and call them out on it when they act inappropriately. We keep a close eye on the ring leaders too, as they usually influence many others.

    My guess is this bunch hasn't had too many adults letting them know their attitude is unacceptable. Kids are amazing-when they know what's expected, most of them live up to it. Hopefully next year will be better.  

  10. I have noticed sometimes it is the parents who can make clicks.  Parents judge other parents and children and the kids pick up on this.  This is just what I have seen first hand.  

  11. Most people are like this... Not only kids..  

  12. people are born mean its just know there raised mean if u want answer

    ask there parents because don't discipline there kids and how to be kind

  13. ITS A DOG EAT DOG WORLD OUT THERE THEY better man/women wins

  14. well next time try to do whatever to sto them and talk to them dont get upset by these little things!

  15. This is nothing new.  At least the outsider child wasn't killed.  This is natural group survival instincts.

  16. Because their parents haven't taught them better of course. And children have always been mean, I recall them being mean when I was a kid.

    Adulthood just teaches you to get along with other people and hide your meanness better. You learn right from wrongs, kids still don't know.

  17. I'm guessing they get it from their parents, about how harsh they are. Their parents probably fight everyday which triggered something in the kids to act unusually; like their parents.

  18. Proof of lousy parenting skills!

  19. I blame video games!

    Not really. Children have always been like that...ask any adult. Most would probably tell you the only thing getting worse is grades. I would know.

  20. because they are influenced by society

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