Why recently are so many kids so bad at driving? I'm talking 16- 19 years old. Especially girls. I got my drivers license 5 years ago and never had any problems with driving. I got my license quickly, and have never gotten a single ticket. Part of this is because my Grandpa always told me that in order to be a good driver you have to know your car. I've been working on cars since 17 as a hobby. Driving has always been really easy for me. There are kids in New York that get their license revoked after two weeks. DUI's are extremely common. They drive 10 mph under the speed limit on highways, holding up a group of cars behind them who are stuck behind the kid. They are horrible at turning. One kid in my neighborhood came into a wide turn at 50mph and took so much room that he nearly traded paint with my car. Notorious for making short stops, and forgetting to use turn signals. Most kids cannot drive for beans. Do we need better drivers ed programs?