
Why are large numbers of Bees, Bats, and Birds dying off?

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Tens of thousands of Bats died this year from mystery illness.

Billions of Bees have dropped dead in North America.

Common Backyard Birds becoming less common.

Are these things related? Somethings wrong.




  1. Liberals are killing them to scare conservatives.

    Haha I'm kidding! But yeah that is really creepy...How can we say whether or not this sort of thing has happened before in the history of the earth though? Sometimes natural occurences don't make sense to us... I have faith in the earth's ability to repair itself.

  2. I'm thinking that chem-trails may be a possibility.

  3. i've been looking into the fall in the number of bees across the world. one problem is the collapse of their immune systems & another that they are somehow getting disorientated & can't return to the hive.

    from the US, i read genetically modified crops have caused this but i don't personally believe that, as it's happening all over the world.

    we are very dependant on bees. Einstein saw this & stated that if bees were completely extinct, human beings could only live for about four years. the reduction of bees obviously means less food can be grown.

    the reduction of bees will add to the various causes of food shortage & consequent reduction of the world population. this could be a natural phenomena or contrived by certain elite-groups who are aiming to reduce the world population to an 'ideal' number of 2 billion.

  4. Because its the END TIMES!

    Watch for WWIII

    the ultimate battle between good and evil!

    The revolution will not be televised!

  5. All the answers point to human intervention in mother nature causes disaster & destruction.  This sadly is an extremely important issue for human survival, & if the cause of these species decline is related to any of the examples you've given, the truth be told that the human ego is bigger than the practical/realistic brain, & we're doomed.

    Human history has proven that tinkering with mother nature is never a good thing... yet we can't stop ourselves from trying?

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