
Why are liberals in charge of everything?

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what will conservatives do differently when they get in charge?




  1. They run the media, the schools and try to influence the government in DC. They crave the limelight and power and will do anything to get it.

  2. Because it's considered cool to be a liberal, popular.  And to some people that's all that matters.

  3. Currently they are, but assuming that Obama is elected, he will show all semi-intelligent Americans that socialism is terrible.  Then capitalism and freedom will be restored.  And then we need to slash all of the ridiculous environmental agencies run by the government.

  4. they are in control of the press and therefore they control almost everything just like you said. the reason the liberals -democrats i add- are in control of the press is because of the influence of NYC. all of the NYC newspapers are controlled by liberals. and in todays world if you control the press you have influence over millions of people, including everyones decisions.

  5. Probably the exact same thing as the rest of them do.

    Talk alot of c**p and do nothing.

  6. because people like them

  7. They have dominated the media for many years, before FDR was president. They control Hollywood, most big newspapers, Congress, most TV shows, TV News except for Fox News, college campuses, most publishing companies, and most public schools. They do not control talk radio, the presidency,  and the Internet, though they are trying to regain control of talk radio by bringing back the so-called "fairness doctrine," which is a form of censorship.

    Because of the liberals constant stream of propaganda and lies, many Americans are unaware of valid opposing viewpoints to liberal dogma. Don't let the liberals shut down talk radio with the fairness doctrine.

  8. THANK GOD they are not in charge of my vote this fall lol nor my mind !!!!

    added.... hummm didnt know all republicans are Conservatives nor all Democrats are liberals??? (ref. to robert)

  9. Well first of all because they said hey had a change of pace from the c**p we were getting from the neocons and the AMerican public basically bought into it not knowing that they would end up being a do nothing congress. Obviously those who cared enough to get out and vote werent happy with the way things were being run by the neo-cons. Americans wanted change and the liberals said they would provide it...altho they never delivered.

    Secondly be realistic the liberals are not in charge of everyhting. They have a majority in congress and that is about it.

  10. Last time I looked Bush was in charge of the US and he certainly isn't a liberal.

  11. because they say nice things... good talkers.

    who needs doers?

  12. George Bush and d**k Cheney are liberals? Alan Greenspan  is a liberal? The other members of the current Federal Reserve Board of Governors and Bernanke are liberals? Hank Paulson and Condoleeza Rice are liberals? The CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies are liberals?

    I think not.

  13. Not everything, Bush orchestrated the Iraqi invasion.

  14. Since when is George W. Bush a liberal?

  15. Because people voted for them.

  16. Wait wait.  What are they in charge of?

    Conservatives are in charge of the businesses and therefore set work rules.

    Republicans have held the presidence for the past 8 years, and the Senate and House of Representatives for the six years before that.

    Republicans have been in charge of the administative agencies that set and enforce laws for the past 8 years.

    Republicans have appointed 12 out of the last 14 supreme court justices (and 7 of the 9 currently on the court)

    Republicans have appointed every chief justice of the US Supreme Court since 1946.

    Republicans have the majority of governors in America (although this is approaching an even split).

    Republicans/conservatives own the majority of the television and news outlets (although the editorial staffs and reporters tend to be more liberal ... they know if they go too far off the reservation, their jobs are at risk).

    So, I am not at all convinced the liberals are in charge of everything.  People are.  And currently, the balance of power is in the hands of the Republicans.

    Right now, the Republicans hold such a low opinion rate (war, economy, whatever), that they are not able to make the changes they want, and it is possible that both the congress and presidency will change.  However, to suggest that liberals are in charge of "everything" starts with a fallacious premise.

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