
Why are liberals making fun of Palin's child with Down Syndrome?

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I haven't heard anyone making fun of B Hussein Obama's kids for bowing towards Mecca........

I haven't heard anyone make fun of Michelle for attending black panther meetings.....




  1. They are just like their Democratic pundits who are now in such a snit over this VP pick as to be irascible with opponents.  They all look like they just bit a skunk in the rear.

  2. Did your mother drink or do crack when you were in the womb?

  3. because liberals will go as low as they can if they think it might help them in any way.  I mean they leave newborn babies to die in closets, do u think insulting a down syndrome child is beneath them?


  5. You have asked this question before. My answer is that you are making up this so called making fun of Palin's child with Downs syndrome. The one person on Q&A who may have done that does NOT represent all liberals or even 10 % of them. Palin is not the only person in the world with a special needs child i.e. many of us know families who deal with this issue and we would never make fun of them.

  6. their hearts are ugly. terribly ugly.

  7. They're clinically depressed, they can't help it.

  8. Democrat = hypocrite

  9. Just ignorance. They would not make the sacrifice that any family that has a handicapped child has. They would have seen it less than perfect and destroyed it.

    Wouldn't it be something if God made us all perfect......then who would we look down our noses at.

  10. Because a lot of them would have aborted such a child.

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