
Why are liberals offended by my blog?

by  |  earlier

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They were calling me a n**i because I want people to come to this country legally.

Please comment my blog.Thanks




  1. Excellent Blog! I booked marked it.

  2. I honestly don't know why liberals don't care about the laws of this country.  They assume if you want people to come to this country LEGALLY then you don't want people to come to this country at all.  Which just isn't true.  They also assume that you are racist against hispanics, since you listed your name on your blog as Jose Gomez, I'm going to assume that's not true.   Truth be told the laws are in this country for a reason and it isn't right, it IS detrimental to the economy, and it IS detrimental to national security to have ILLEGAL immigrants crossing our borders on a daily basis.   Now, when people come here LEGALLY it's a whole different ball of wax.

  3. I couldn't care less about your blog.

    Nor do I care about this sad and transparent attempt to get people to actually read it.

  4. Who's offended. It's one man's opinion. I have my own.

  5. lol..nice picture on the blog..-n**i!

    jk..just the usual stuff they pedal..the question is..why are you surprised?  

  6. I am a populist and I am offended. The first picture I saw was stereotypical. We look at this immigration issue as though it is a problem with Latinos when the problem is not them who can blame them they want to live and have a better way of life which at the core is what all people regardless of race strive for.

    And who are you to determine who is wanted and not wanted? Would you work for $5 per hour how about $7. Illegal labor is the backbone of this country. It is what this country was founded on cheap labor AKA slavery.

    Your blog is insensitive and by asking this question proves you just seek attention. I feel sorry for you as I perceive you as a small person.

  7. I'm not sure if you noticed but the entire world is going mad . Not sure if you noticed this but gang members are not just Mexicans . I live in Detroit or the war zone . I'm on the front line and gang members come in all colors so what do we do with them ? Not much you can do . If you want your neighborhood back then run them out by any means possible . Some of them are good people believe it or not .

    Edit : h**l even our mayor is a gangsta ! Well he was our mayor up until today . He is going to jail for a little while but just goes to show you everything is corrupted in this system .

    You need a different point of view . You must be a person that has been sheltered . Did you ever walk through what you see out there in the streets and it not harm you ? I don't think so . I think you judge people by there appearance  . For instance if a person has a tattoo you feel that you know exactly what that person is . Why are you so afraid ?

  8. No one cares about your horribly written blog with things that you think will work, but actually won't because it costs time and money. Plus, get your facts straight. Gangs have always been here. They have not sky rocketed, but yes there are latin gangs. But yet there are white gangs( KKK, neo-n***s) and black gangs(bloods/crips). Not to mention the unknown gangs and the sub-gangs. And please take American History in highschool it will help you understand the founding fathers knowledge of creating this nation.

  9. People should not come to this country legally.

    They should be required to sneak across the border.

    Any wimp can come legally

    It takes initiative to sneak across and risk the chance of getting shot in the butt by Campeon and Ramos.

  10. when they're offended you know you're doing a good job.

    keep up the good work babe.

    the boader totally needs A LOT of work.

  11. You should do a g*y mexicano pornsite, might get more hits.

    By the way, you got only 1comment and that was from someone that agreed with you.  No "n**i" name calling, nada.

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