
Why are liberals so angry about a woman getting a chance to be on a major ticket? ?

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I thought this would be something for you to celebrate? Why isn't it?Aren't you really really really pro-woman? LOL

I think the real deal is this. The Republicans not only picked a woman, but they picked a woman of principle, decency, courage, honor and a woman who is strongly attached to biblical principles of doing the right thing by your family and the nation.

In other words, everything a liberal isn't. LOL

I just hope some of this left wing sexism settles down. A woman has long deserved to have a chance and now the time is here.

If you really want to think about sexism in this race, ask yourself why Obama didn't picked the woman who garned the 2nd most votes in Democratic primary history as his running mate. In fact, she wasn't even vetted.

So....who is sexist here? LOL




  1. Pure jealousy from the hypocritical left.

    PALIN is a Godsend!

  2. Liberals are going to seethe about her for 2 months so get used to it.

    The good news is that the undecideds (about 20% of the nation) is going to determine this election anyway....and those people are usually middle of the road and unswayed by smear attacks from either side....

  3. Could you be anymore of a right-wing ranter. They aren't attacking her s*x, it's her "lack of experience". You guys are just mad because Hillary didn't get the nod to make it easy for you to rake her over the coals.

  4. i am not its historic but the policies still  suck

  5. Ha ha i love when i get to embarrass you and make you eat your words and scramble for another excuse! Why did Sarah Palin (a christian woman) laugh at a woman called a *********?

    no wonder the polls show men are liking her more than woman. this is one self hating woman. she loves guns and hunting (nothing wrong with that but not a lot of women can relate) she doesn't believe in equal pay for women, and she wants to do away with abortion regardless if a woman if raped! Now if that doesn't do it for you she apparently thinks disrespecting a woman is funny! This lady is misogynist.

  6. Sexism works two ways

    Picking a woman as unqualified and parochial in her world view as Palin is simply because she is  a good piece of arm candy for McCain is also sexist

  7. They know that they just lost the election

  8. Not A woman, but THIS woman.  She's a bad punch line.

  9. Because it's not Hillary.

  10. We aren't angry. We are just laughing our azzes off at you guys for thinking it is a good idea.

    I was REALLY looking foreward to your convention. Bush trying to talk, Cheney sneering, Fred Thompson bein' folksy and common sensical, Dan Quayle in the audience, McCain trying to defend his choice of Palin, and finally Palin...not sure whether to be embarrassed or act confident because in spite of the cheering, she knows that everyone is thinking "what was he thinking"?

  11. Moderate Republicans (me) and Democrats applaud the successes of all, including women an minorities.

    Palin, however, does not get the same response.  The reason has nothing to do with gender.  She is a cynical choice, selected as a wedge issue candidate.  She is Hannity is a skirt and appeals to the same crowd.

    Having the "maverick" who "reaches across the aisle" pick a running mate that will divide the nation worse that it has been is not something to celebrate.  It is something to cry over, and to vote against.

  12. It was out of desperation on the spare of the moment. it was not a conscience decision to really promote Woman.

    It's a bad joke. it doesn't come with the spirit of real support for women!

  13. This woman shows everythign america is about. proven family values, her husband still works, shes in touch with working class people, shes proven to fight corperate corruption, and has not been corrupted by the washington playbook.

    What does obama have?

    Biden.... YEAH. politics as usual

  14. Because McCain just choose her to gain the women vote.  

  15. I wouldn't care if Palin was a transexual, she's just a panicked pick from a man pandering for the female vote...

    What's more interesting is how the Republicans are suddenly acting like they're the party of equality and tolerance because McPOW is exploiting a neophyte.

  16. cuz i care bout mah country - every1 around the wordl is laughing at mccain. repubs do not have shame.  

  17. They wanted to go first.Now the wind is knocked out of their sails and they can only find false things to say.

  18. I agree.  African American women supported Hillary Clinton in her bids for Senate in New York to swing the election to her victory.  Very few gave her that support in the primaries against Obama.  

    I think John McCain's choice has exposed the predjudice that is so obvious in Obamas Campaign.  

    I venture to say that Hillary turned Obama down just to see him lose.

    Kudos to her if that is the case!

  19. the only thing liberals care about is the right to kill their babies.  all their talk of tolerance, inclusion, diversity is just that - TALK.

    sarah palin is exactly what libs have told our young women what they could not be unless they killed their babies.  a strong, powerful, successful woman WITH a family, WITH a marriage, even WITH a special needs child.

    EDIT TO DYLAN: so obama didn't choose a white racist in order to get votes?  who are you trying to kid?

  20. A woman already ran on the Democratic ticket about 20 years ago.  What is disappointing is that McCain chose someone with a very small range of experience.  Given the present situation of two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan in which my liberal and very patriotic family members have served) are also the battles with our dire economy, health care system and education.  It's no laughing matter.

  21. You are kidding, right?  With Palin as McCain's pick for VP, he has almost guaranteed his loss in Nov.  The only sexism in the equation is that of the McCain camp thinking they could substitute any old v****a for Hilary Clinton in order to pick up her voters.  Pathetic.

  22. Because deep down in their hearts they know conservatives are right. I'm not talking about McCain or the war in Iraq, there are plenty of thinking people, both left and right, who have legitimate reasons to disagree with both McCain and the war. This is about more than that and everybody knows it. This is about core conservative values. i.e. Abortion, g*y marriage, etc. Shakespeare said it best:

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

  23. Not A woman, THIS woman. THIS woman does not in any way represent the majority of American women. She seems nice, great person, but her ideology is way out of wack with the women of America.

    Palin doesn't agree with birth control nor with ANY abortion...even in cases of rape, incest, or where the mother's life is threatened. She is anti-conservation and pro-bible in science class. She is also under an ethics investigation.

  24. 1.  If you honestly believe that objections to Sarah Palin stem from her s*x, you don't have the sense that God gave a dung beetle;

    2.  Everyone attacks everyone else in a political election.  No one is angry, incredulous maybe, but not angry.  They're just playing politics;

    3.  Putting Clinton on the ballot would have been folding to pressure and made Obama look weak and, besides that, no one nurses a viper at their breast which is what they would have been doing if they had put Clinton on the ballot;

    4.  I'm not a liberal, I was actually undecided, but the fact that he only added Palin to the ticket to try and lure me over with the promise of a woman in the executive branch and to steal the thunder of the dems after their convention pissed me off.  He'd never met the woman before Friday and this was all obviously a gimmick to pander.  It's well known that McCain himself wanted Lieberman but he didn't pick him because he's pro-choice.

  25. Beacuse WE wanted to pick the woman by voting and campaigning.  Not have one handed to us by some old geezer.

  26. Nothing to do with sexism and your trying to say it is doesn't make it so

    It has everything to do with all that biblical c**p you just ranted about, keep that in your home not my Government and she's highly unqualified

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