
Why are liberals so disgusted by Sarah Palin?

by Guest67030  |  earlier

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They often refer to McCain as a "senile old man", but they seem to be more vicious towards Palin. I recall a similar viciousness when Hillary was running against Obama.




  1. It doesn't matter. The slime chance McSame had for winning has now been dashed by his choice for VP.

  2. What liberals are you referring to? Do you have quotes?

  3. Because she is herself. They can't find any dirt, but we all know the liberals will research her background all the way to grade school. Plus all her relatives. They may find a second cousin that got arrested for no fishing license which CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS will do a lead story on.

  4. We aren't

    She's hot.

  5. Since Palin is not a liberal the liberals wont see her as a woman let alone give her any respect. Besides when was the last time a liberal showed any respect to those who dare to disagree and they wonder why other disrespect em in return.

  6. Because Obama talks the talk

    But the Old Man walks the walk.

    McCain Palin

    Facta Non Verba


    Now more than EVER.

  7. Perhaps they have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel - and discovered that it's an oncoming train.

  8. From everything I've heard, Palin has aligned herself with the Christian right on just about every single issue. If true, she's even a bit too radical for moderates. It's one thing to want to over turn Roe V. Wade, but I hear she wants  any woman that would have an abortion for any reason to be criminally prosecuted for murder. It's one thing to be against g*y marriage, but she is against g*y civil unions. She believes that the Earth is only 10,000 years old and that  Evolution has no business being taught in schools unless Intelligent Design is taught as well. She doesn't think Polar Bears should be put on the endangered species list when lately, every study has shown their population is dwindling. She thinks that killing animals for their fur is just fine and that global warming is all made up.

    Do we really want a homophobe with the hateful ideals of the religious right one heartbeat away from the White House? I don't blame liberals for being disgusted with her. She's a bonefide loon.

  9. They cannot find anything with substance to throw at Palin. maybe if she had 5 abortions they would support her more.

  10. I notice it too. It egoism from the proud black male that does not want a woman talking down on ya.

  11. Because they know now Obama is going to lose the election. That is the only reason.

  12. With such a vile knee-jerk reaction by libs, and Obama's campaign specifically you can't help but realize that they are scared sh*t!

    You cannot think of a more outstanding choice than Governor Palin!

    N one even remembers who or what Barry is or was supposed to be. I think it's great for America, and the world.

    EricBonet's: It's obvious what industry you work in. You are either lying or grossly misinformed regarding Govenor Palin's stance on abortion. It's not appreciated.

    I doubt that she would not have an 80% aapproval rating if she was as extreme as you state.

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