
Why are liberals so offended that Gov Palin's almost 18 year old daughter getting pregnant?

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I thought those people were AGAINST abstinence programs, and such? If it was the daughter of a liberal it would no big deal. They'd so "oh, it's just the times."

I want to bring up a comment that someone said that got a lot of thumbs down earlier that parents are not responsible for their kids' actions. That was just worded wrong. I think what she meant to say is that parents cannot be at their 17 year olds side every day of the lives, holding their hands.

Liberals have always approved of this kind of behaviour, so when something like this happens in a Republican family, why are they so outraged?




  1. I think we should leave her alone.  She is a 17 year old who is pregnant and now the whole world knows.  Well, she is not the first and will not be the last teenager to get pregnant.

    Besides we have elected pres. and VP who had their own skeletons.

    Cheney's daughter is a L*****n - elected twice

    Clinton and all his baggage - elected twice

    Quayle couldn't spell - elected once

    Reagan's divorce - elected twice

    I could go on but it doesn't matter.  People are going to vote for the person they like no matter what issues they bring along with them

  2. They're thirsty for blood, but I think it's classless and hypocritical to attack Palin they way they have. I think most of them know it too.

  3. Because they are fake phony mental cases.

  4. first of all shes 17 and its offensive to me that she as a mother would be against putting her daughter on a birth conrol pill bc of her religious views.. instead her teen daughter now has to be a mother, at the ripe old age of 17, and now having to get married! its a shame.. it really is..

    and if that doesnt bother some of you, well ..i have to wonder about ur mind set.

  5. Because she is not almost 18, she is 17!

  6. It's called HYPOCRISY & FAILURE.

    1) Hypocrisy - She wants her daughter's pregnancy to be a personal and private decision (as it should be), but ironically turn around and push for legislation to control the pregnancies and decisions of all other women.

    2) Failure- Her daughter is a living, breathing example of the failure of "abstinence-only" education.

    And it's not "outrage" as much as it is shock and disbelief.


  8. Because it's the only thing they can find to cry about.

    Poor babies. :-)

  9. I'm not a liberal but I don't like hypocrites. This has nothing to do with her daughter. This has everything to do with the fact that Sarah Palin sells herself as a Bible beating, "morals" candidate but she can't even stand by those morals by disciplining her own children to live by those morals. If she meant what she said, she would've taught her daughter not to **** around. I'm okay with pre-marital s*x and pregnancy. I'm not okay with people saying that it's wrong and then not acting on that. I'm not okay with hypocrites.

    And she wasn't 17 when she got pregnant, she was 16.

  10. You honestly think I want her to tell me what to do with my v****a when she couldn't even talk to her daughter about contraceptives?

    Oh that's right -- she doesn't believe in them.

  11. They are not offended. They would be supporting her if she had a D in front of her name.

  12. Because Neocons are hypocrites.

  13. Great question!

    don't you just love the liberal double standard?

  14. The libs have nothing better to do. They are little obamabots.

  15. euuuuuuhh

    she is 17 not 18 plese. wow her mama is pro life well 2 bad. let c how the american peeps gonna take that. SHE should have teach her about birth control.

  16. Liberals who are so pro choice, it is the kids choice to have s*x, it is the kids choice to get pregnant, it is the kids choice to have an abortion.  What dont want to marry the daddy, okay here is government assistance IE..Welfare while you choose what you want to do and decide....

  17. Becuase they are upset that they never got any when they were 17.

  18. Because the are the most intolerant of the bunch.  I know moderates, independents and conservatives will say, live and let live.  

  19. BAD MOM!  who throes her daughter under the bus!

    shame on her

    shame on McCain

    I feel sorry you Bristol it must really suck to have a mom who is so selfish and politically ambitious that she thinks its ok for all of us to rip you like this!!

  20. Because the GOP has strict beliefs that you should NOT have s*x before you're married! If you do, atleast use a comdom, she did neither.

  21. Because they know nothing about real life.

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