
Why are liberals so quick to dismiss Gov. Palin's record as a leader? Don't they know that she?

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broke up a dangerous snow mobile gang while mayor of a suburb of Anchorage, Alaska?




  1. also, apparently she fought a losing battle to keep a creamery open!  

    And she has been a tireless leader for Alaskan independence at the same time that she's kept Alaska in the top 6 states with regard to Federal handouts!

    Plus she's been a powerful voice advocating for "abstinence-only" education.

    And she was in favor of Federal spending on the "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it!

  2. Hahaha -

    I think her record of abusing power for personal reasons is all I need to know.

  3. Ah, liberal elitism rears its ugly head once again.  If you want to talk about gangs, let's talk about Barry's district which he represented in the Illinois State Legislature.  Which neighborhood would you prefer to walk through?

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