
Why are liberals so weak minded?

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"Weak mindedness is the state of being easily impressionable or possessing a weak sense of self-will, judgement or conviction. A weak minded individual's opinion may be easily swayed by propaganda or emotional manipulation tactics, as they do not possess an adequate ability to judge or discern the quality of an assertion, or they may exhibit a lack of discipline."

Does that not perfectly describe a liberal?




  1. Do not believe what any politician has to say. Republican or Democrat. Don't buy into parties none of the politicians have our best interests in mind. Three things to watch.-

    1)The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

    2)Freedom to Facism.

    3)Zeitgeist movie.

    It's all on the web. Do you actually think you have a choice who to vote for think again. The whole system is rigged. Ask me why both parties are pushing the same agenda- Big Government. It gets worse they are planning to dissolve this country and make a one world government. You think this is a fallacy why do you think the European Union exists? Because it is happening now. Wake up! What do you think the Patriot Act is about that Bush- a Republican just signed. He just signed our freedom away be independent don't buy into anyone's agenda. None of the politicians have our best interests in mind.

  2. they are offended. hahahaha

  3. This way of thinking is much of why I have switched from the right to the left myself.  You need to respect openmindedness.  Maybe you will when you see someone else for no reason take someone else's side over you and refuse to listen to what you have to say.  The higher the price you pay for his abusive behavior, the higher the chance that a lightbulb will go on in your head.

  4. If that is what a liberal is, then everyone who calls themselves "conservative'' at this time needs to switch labels --they never question anything and each of their responses are as scripted as Rush Limbaugh--go figure!

  5. Why even ask this question, it does not sound like you actually care about anyone else's opinion, you seem to have your mind made up!

  6. LMAO,  you can bet this ? will be reported.  Glad I got to see it first.

  7. It does not.  Our country needs liberals, preferably moral ones.  Some libs and some cons are weak-minded.  Unfortunately, its the corrupted Libs who have hijacked the Dem party.  But dont the Republicans have some of the same problems?  Dont just take leaders on their words, research when you can.  I haved researched topics like abortion, stem cell research, illegal immigration and the economy.  Namecalling is actually a form of weakmindedness as well as arrogance.  Do not fall in that trap.   You can disagree with others and still treat them respectfully.

  8. Why are conservatives so hateful, money obsessed, lying, stealing, cheating, killing, war monger's, who have no tolerance whatsoever of those with opposing views, who hate you for who you are, who want to keep you down and not let you get a chance  for a piece of the American pie? I could go on, but I am sure you get the point. It's at the top of a conservatives head.

  9. I find liberal Republicans to be the weakest-minded of all.

  10. One of the best explanations i've ever seen. As far as morals are concerned? What are those to them? And you most certainly can forget about self discipline with them. They certainly can't comprehend what that even entails.

  11. Liberals are weak minded because they easily adapt to change to what is new in the society unlike the conservatives who stick to what is normal.

  12. Thank you Robert B!  

    According to the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary

    Liberal: adj:  is defined as: "...suitable for a freeman, generous, fr. liber free. 1.  : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts   2:  generous, bountiful.  3:  not literal  4:  not narrow in opinion or judgment, TOLERANT; also: not orthodox  5:  not conservative.  

    Second word:  Liberal: noun:   a person who holds liberal views.  

    So what is a liberal view?

    Are you talking wimpishness, open-mindedness, cowardly or just plain I don't give a d--n.    

    I mean if you really want to argue this, doesn't the word evolve out of the word Liberate?!

    Isn't that what we had a Revolutionary War for?  Think about it.  

    If we didn't have factions of liberalists, then how could we function as a democratic society?  

    It all goes back to Free will of the people.  If we're on the street and arguing about whether the blind poor man should be there, who's going to argue about who will help him get to shelter?  Hmm!?  

    Understand my analogy?

  13. Many liberals are college aged.  They have just left the "nest" and are on their own for the first time... of course their parents don't know anything so they are impressed with anyone that contradicts those views.  They are now thinking on their own you know... however, what they fail to see is that they are fed talking points without any basis for reason.  Once they graduate and have to face the real world they usually start to wise up... although... you do have those who just love the dark and never want to see the light.

  14. So who are you trying to sway with your radical, stupid propaganda?  You think liberals will buy into your bullshit?  If not, what the h**l is your meaningless rant all about?

  15. One of the most self-serving questions I've seen in a long time.

    Sounds more like the description of a right-winger to me.  Just ask any of Rush's fans.

  16. the fact that they praised farenheit 9/11 proves your point even further considering that was the greatest propaganda film of all time

  17. Hmm, this is sort of a chicken/egg question; does being a liberal make one weak minded, or does being weak of mind make one a liberal?

    Like I said, hmm

  18. Actually, you have just accurately described the 29% of people who still support Bush and the Iraqi war.

  19. No - if anything liberals have to be quite resolute in thier thinking given the abuse, insults and baseless charges thrown thier way by ignorant conservatives any time they express themselves.

  20. They have little or no faith in God and country (not all, but the especially left-leaning liberals). They want freedom to dictate "anything goes" with no service to their nation and no real respect for authority.

  21. Genetics.

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