
Why are liberals so willing to let people starve so they can have their car?

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The rush towards biofuels is theatening world food production and the lives of billions of people, the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser said yesterday.

Professor John Beddington put himself at odds with ministers who have committed Britain to large increases in the use of biofuels over the coming decades. In his first important public speech since he was appointed, he described the potential impacts of food shortages as the “elephant in the room” and a problem which rivalled that of climate change.

“It’s very hard to imagine how we can see the world growing enough crops to produce renewable energy and at the same time meet the enormous demand for food,” he told a conference on sustainability in London yesterday.




  1. also bio-fuels

    use up a lot of coal burning

    to make the fuel

    so what have we gained?

    it's all crazy

  2. Why do you say "liberals"?  Biofuels can be an alternate fuel source..or is it better just to keep polluting the enviorment with fossil fuels?  And just so you know.....the article mentions "potential" impacts.  Which of course means it "could" happen..not "will happen" and also, food shortages?  Why do you think people are starving in 3rd world countries?  Many times because they are caught up in the on going war for OIL....which the western world is addicted to....

  3. interesting question but I disagree that liberals are at fault.  who do you think runs the oil industry and has failed to invest sufficiently in alternative energy sources, if not conservatives.  I think you'll find that liberals tend to be at the other end of the spectrum when it comes to dependence on fossil fuels.  the problem is that other fuel sources aren't yet really economically viable, and public transportation in most US cities is too little, too late -- I live in LA and have tried getting to work by bus -- a 20-minute drive took me 2 hours and a transfer.  sorry - no can do.

  4. This is speculative BS.  The reason Bio fuels are an option is because  of a vast over-production of food.  Brazil has been energy independent for a decade on just home grown bio fuel.  

    Bio fuels are not about 'saving the planet' as they do not produce a lower carbon foot print or less pollution.  Bio Fuels are all about reducing dependence on oil.

    There is some risk of food shortages or price increases as farmers jump on the bio-fuel band wagon - but that is not going to be caused by liberals, it will be caused by greedy conservative entrepreneurs out to make a fast buck.

  5. Yep, the liberals are trying to starve the world.  You obviosly are unaware that the farmers and corporations that are pushing the whole bio-fuel thing are Conservative, and the liberals are pointing out the faulty logic that biofuels are going to be a good thing.  And when I say liberal, I mean the scientists and the people that are actually doing the studying of the issue, not someone using it for politicaly gain.

  6. I would say, just follow the money on this one!!!!  A lot of people will become rich on this "global warming" fiasco.  Why is it NOT being reported that scientists held a conference in NYC, and they have debunked Gore's global warming scare???  Yes just follow the money trail.  That seems to bring out the real truth on a lot of issues.

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