
Why are liberals who are supposed to be tolerant and.....?

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open minded people all of a sudden intolreant and closed minded? Do you think they have a problem with a woman being named as a VP candidate?




  1. It is the hypocrisy that is the issue, not the act.  Like that guy tapping toes in the bathroom.

  2. Why do Republicans try to take advantage of liberal's tolerance?  People can only be pushed so far.

  3. They see Obama losing this election.

  4. It's kind of hard to be tolerate of HYPOCRISY.

    Not just hypocrisy, but ARROGANT hypocrisy.

    These fools want to preach to everyone else how they should live their lives and then get caught doing the very things they preach against.

    Sarah Palin wants her daughter's pregnancy to "private" and "personal" (which it should be), but she wants to turn around and LEGISLATE the pregnancies of other women = HYPOCRITE.

    Sarah Palin preaches "abstinence-only" educate and it turns out that her daughter is now a living, breathing example of the FAILURE of that policy. = HYPOCRITE.

    Republicans would've torn Chelsea Clinton to pieces and you all know it. But, they want to SPIN this into the 17 year old taking "responsibility" for her actions. Oh really? How come she didn't take responsibility for her actions beforehand??? ABSTINENCE-ONLY.

    It's simple. Tolerance for alternative lifestyles, privacy and civil liberties is one thing. Tolerance for WARMONGERING, OBSTRUCTING THE CONSTITUTION and ARROGANT HYPOCRISY is quite another.


  5. Liberals are tolerant only to hypocrites like themselves. The same left wing feminists that urged women to "get out and make your stand" now want a pro life mom to "stay at home and be barefoot and pregnant". Guess they meant only pro choice women huh? such hypocrites!

  6. Uh... where are you getting this information from?

    I'm a liberal, and I don't see gender as an issue anywhere.. so be more specific.. are you talking about Obama not having chosen Hillary as VP? or McCain choosing Palin?

    I think you're wondering why many are complaining about McCain choosing Palin.

    Which in this case is justified by McCains hypocrisy. McCain said he thought Obama was too young to run in the White House.. ironically he chooses a woman...who is younger or just as young as Obama..

    I hope this answered your question.

  7. No problem with tolerance at all.

    It is the republican hypocrisy we have problems with.

    Party of family values indeed.

  8. the liberals that have a problem with palin (me) dislike her because she is an obvious hilary clinton wannabee for the right wing. she was only picked because she is a woman and has no business as a potential vice president

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