
Why are listings in "my music" doubled?

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every listing is shown after the other




  1. are you twins?

  2. Couldn't agree more.  YMJ is a crappy piece of software.  Don't upgrade or migrate.  Stay with MMJB but if you want to do the internet thing, go find a good piece of software, YMJ!

  3. mine did the same thing, but then I lost soem music out of each folder. It just simply disappeared. For instance, for albums that I know have at least 13 songs, I now only have 4 or 5. This wasn't consistent with all albums or artists. On top of that many of those 4 or 5 songs will now only play in 30 sec. sound bites and I get an error message telling me that if i was a plus subscriber, (which i was at musicmatch and tried to migrate my key unsuccessfully, as well as being a lauchcast subscriber), that i could hear the full versions. This is for music that i've had in the 'my music' folder for years. I know this isn't much of an answer but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in dealing with a crappy piece of software.

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