
Why are living conditions in America becoming more ghetto?

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I mean aside from overpopulation, continued pollution, etc, living conditions in general are becoming much more ghetto. The fast pace of life ,our morality, the way we treat each other, the things we value, the music, the movies,.....our cars even, the "bling", the clothes,...

everything is morphing into being more "ghetto."

I mean literally. In the last 50-60 years, America LITERALLY went from decent solid 1st world country,

to only POCKETS of gated communities off very wealthy places, and a few wealthy communities here and there to, TONS and TONS of middle class and lower class communitites, with cars littered everywhere, typically you can even see 5-6 cars jammed in one small house's driveway.

To me, that's not exactly ghetto but,'s not 1st class standards either, unless the house is a huge McMansion.

Even the mansions and the rich nowadays,...there's no class to the lifestyle.

They buy it all up, yet charge everything on credit, then there's drugs, etc.

Seriously, why are our living conditions in this country becoming more and more ghetto?

Car chases, craziness, drama.....

it's like we're living in a h**l!




  1. Who cares its only America.  

  2. In my opinion: Being pro American is a bad thing because others will move from other countries and put you and the flag down, its becoming ghetto because all must be careful not to offend others who move on this land.

    Another reason is too many people a lot of times, studies prove that if you live anywhere with large amounts of people around you tend to be moody, rude, and can get depressed...humans were never suppose to be this crowded.

    Another one is pointless speading, unlike our grandparents before us who saved and didn't fall for fancy stuff (unless rich) saved. This new group (the future grandparents) will have nothing to pass on to the next and this shows bad morals, like life is buying big things and leaving broke.

    America is losing its touch, hopefully Obama wins and brings it back, Obama also said he wants more products in America to be America made....something Americans gave up to other countries like China for cheaper reasons. Making loads of Americans lose jobs and when we get something bad like poison in toys its only America to blame.

    Maybe things will get better.

    But all of this is just my opinion.

  3. Its the black influence. White suburban kids think its cool to act black.

  4. 1) Blame capitalism

    2) The world is one big "ghetto"

    3) Rich people are making money by making "ghetto" look like a cool way to be. Before white kids starting trying to act "ghetto" - WHICH HAS NOT A GODDAMN THING TO DO WITH BEING BLACK, economic status DOES NOT define race - nobody cared what rappers, actors, or whoever said or did. But now that rappers are part of the mainstream - most of which are sell outs, or "black face" (look it up) acts- now people care what they say and do.  Which again, all goes back to capitalism.

    4) What do you mean the country was "decent" 50 years ago? The country is just as racist, classist, and sexist now as it was back then. Just because they were playing "Leave it to Beaver" on TV doesn't mean society was more "decent". The difference between now and then is that 50 yrs ago minorities could be killed or discriminated against out in the open and nobody would think anything of it. Nowadays, they'll just make up some law to get you sent to prison (which means when/if you get out you'll go back out hardly able to get a job you can make a decent living off of, and people usually end up doing something else to survive and end up getting sent BACK to jail/prison), and use the media (as always) to skew your perspective on the people in general.

    There has been SOME progress made, but in small areas. The overall struggle for minorities (specifically) and Proletarians (in general) still continues. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

    From your additional details, it doesn't seem like you read up on sociology or social/economic interactions too much.


  5. I belive it's the black people influence. Not all! But the ghetto is filled with black people and the rich houses are filled with white people. Black people, black people, black people.

  6. You've been watching too much TV.  I'm not sure where you are getting your information but it's wrong.  I live in America and I have never seen a car chase in real life.  I also don't live in a mcmansion, a gated community, or even a ghetto.  I live in a small American town surrounded by a beautiful National Park, cattle ranches, horse ranches, and people that I enjoy being around.  The last traffic jam that happened here was during a cattle drive where 500 head were being moved to a new pasture across the road.  We also have bear jams and wildlife jams. This is where the tourists stop in the MIDDLE of the road to take a picture of the bear or whatever other wildlife that they see.  Oh yeah, I also don't have a credit card nor do I charge my purchases.  I pay for everything in cash.  I'm not in debt and I have my own home.  


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