
Why are maggots in acorns?

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Why is it that whenever i open an acorn, there's a maggot inside?

How do they get in there and why do they go in there?




  1. The maggots think they taste good!

  2. because ur mom them in therre

  3. Beecawz that's hauw gawd maid thim.

  4. God put them there

  5. they eat the acorn.  They also may not be maggots.  They may have started out smaller, or got laid in there.  Then they grow as they eat!

  6. throw em in your sheets

  7. It's their natural food.  The adult insect lays the egg under the edge of the cap and the larvae eats it's way to adulthood in there, then bores a hole out.

    You can tell the infested acorns from the non-wormy ones by throwing them in a bucket of water.  The good acorns are heavier and sink, but the ones with worms in, which have eaten the inside hollow, will float.

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