
Why are magnesium and aluminum hydroxide often combined in antacid preparations?

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Why are magnesium and aluminum hydroxide often combined in antacid preparations?




  1. Most likely the point of combining them would be to alleviate the side effects that each of them cause respectively.

    Magnesium causes diarrhea

    Aluminum causes constipation

    Given together, the overall effect on the GI tract is minimal.

  2. magnesium hydroxide is an excellent antacid

    since magnesium displaces aluminium from Al(OH)3

  3. I think in magnesium hydroxide (Brucite) it is more its rhombohedral affinity to crystal, mica, sylicate which is clue to it.  In the proportion of a medicine, it works as a filament to cover the ulcers so that the irritants does not get into contact with the ulcerated surface which is camouflaged and the normal functions of the body minus the ulcers will continue as per other properties of the medicine combination like constipation vs diarrhea towards normalisation.  

          Whereas the draw back is that it works towards  management, until the ulcers becomes so large  that the filaments no more can bond it or cover it, and new names like cancers are awarded to the progressed ailment.  

        Whereas,   look at the properties of Magnesium when material doses are consumed by human beings and proved in human beings :

           For Magnesium the stomach symptoms are  Gasterointestinal catarrh, with marked acidity, Stools colicky, watry, frothy, like a frog-pond's scum., constipation after mental shock, poor apetite, bad taste in mouth, hiccough, retching, milk cannot digest, painful and   enlarged liver, entralgia, flatulent colic etc. (includes all derivatives of magnesia).  

    And  the provings of  oxides of Alumina corresponds to a general condition of dryness of mucuous membranes and skin, sluggish functions, characterstic constipation,. with abnormal cravings for hard substances like chalk, charcoal, dry food, etc. heart burn, potato disagrees, aversion to meat, no desire to eat, constriction of oesophagus, colic, left sided abdominal complaints, schizophrenia, memory loss  etc.   A combination of both these at material doses could clear up the malady as indicated initially but could also pose an increase in the symptoms above which may manifest as side effects on continuous usage.  

              In micro dosage in potentised form or energy form its actual nature as a rhombohedron(probably fire energy) can be unravelled.  The mystery lies in the thought that A Rhombohedra crystal as a polygon is grouped into a larger hexagonal system.  Hexagon being a polygon with six edges.  And this could be found in basalt another hexagonal shape and many other substances.   The fact is that wherever this shape is found, there will be an energy field and deposits of metamorphised precious stones and elements because it has that  bonding characteristic towards the metamorphosised forms.    It could be in the honey comb it could be in the moons and mars where asphalt deposits are in high.  

    Then what is its etherial form of this metamorphosised form is the subject of my contemplation.  Every solid has an Air form, A water or liquid form, A Fire form, and an Etherial form.  The Etherial form is the consciousness, thinking, form.  Since each other substance on earth has this Etherial form in some amount inside it, each substance on the earth has a memory, thinking faculty to some extent not as clearly developed as human beings.  This is the reason for argument that thinking can become matter and vice versa.  If condusive atmosphere prevails, all matter in the world can be suddenly converted back to ether or the undifferentiated form from this differentiated form and nothing will exist on surface of earth. I would not be surprised, if I were  to witness that.

            The relationship is with the five elements, and here the elements probably is Fire and Air.  If some one tell me a honeycomb can be burned or a asphalt can be burned ?  Asphalt has come from volcanic eruptions and the heat down there cannot be less than thousands of degrees still it has comeout unscathed.  What does that mean?  The meaning is clear and expressed, those which retains the solid shapes of the elements in earth can survive the wrath of that element.  When an element is in harmony with the natural element it will be able to control, neutralise, cure, the effects produced by the same element.  The fire and air are the elements responsible for ulcerous situation in stomach and the respective element equivalent to dodecohedron or a polyhedron should be in  a position to correct the malady, the body or the microcosm being the sum total of the five elements.

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