
Why are males so horribly violent? I just read on yahoo about 3 murders, all male suspects.?

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One killed a pregnant woman, one stabbed a woman in the face repeatedly, another killed a mother of 8 and put her in a freezer. That's just a small daily example of the murderous rage in males. What is wrong with our society that it breeds such monsters.




  1. boys don't cry.

    edit: apparently nobody understands what this means. fools. this *is why* males are "so horribly violent". besides testosterone.

  2. Beacause over the years we have been making sure our daughters grow up to be strong and independant, while we have been leaving our sons behind. There are more programs to help woman then men.

    But the other side of the token females can be just as violent if not more than men.

    It depends which way the news wants to flow for the day

  3. Myra Hindley...Rose West...Aileen Wuornos....Elizabeth Bathory...Dorothea Puente...Lizzie Borden....Karla Faye Tucker...Mary Anne Cotton....Nannie Doss.....Belle Gunness.....Marie Hilley....Judith Anne Neeley...Leslie Allett.....etc

    ....sorry...not following you...

  4. Are you really interested in an answer, or are you deliberately trying to start a sexist debate? Obviously, if there really is a scientifically observed difference in violent behaviors exhibited by men and women, it comes down to hormones. How someone is raised, that person's culture, etc., are also likely factors.

  5. You are one of those who have a conclusion and only find and present the facts to support it.  Inane.

    I could show four men who are loving, caring people.  This would then refute your argument.

  6. Listen, it's only been a few hundred years since we had to kill our food, and sometimes kill who ever wanted to take it from us. All the while protecting our families from wild animals and thieves. Do you think the human brain can completely evolve from all those traits without anything triggering our primal subconscious reactions?

  7. It's called testosterone, combined with de-socialisation  - in other words, so many people grow up in such horrible circumstances nowadays, they don't give a d**n about anyone else's feelings.

    That sadly applies to girls these days as well, but females have a caring, nurturing instinct that will tend to hold them back from committing antisocial crimes. I say "tend to" because there will always be violent female exceptions, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

    Men, being hunter-gatherers by nature and driven primarily by sexual and survival instincts, are not hampered by empathy. If a woman can find a man who genuinely cares about anything outside this spectrum, she is very lucky.

    Edit: any examples people are giving here of violent women just go to prove the point: these women are the *exception* and for every murderous female you can quote, there are thousands of murderous males. Of course the media pick up and emphasise the female cases because they are seen as an aberration of nature. Sorry blokes, that one doesn't wash.

  8. I agree with you 100%. I worked in a department store for eleven years in a very dangerous part of town. I always said if I had a choice I'd rather have a man with a gun rob me than a woman. If a woman is of a mean nature they can be as dangerous as a man. They will show you no mercy. The world seems to be going to the dogs in a handbag. God help us all.

  9. I guess you haven't heard the stories about women going around killing pregnant women and taking their unborn babies then....

    women can be just as bad as men.

    edit: I agree with Milla. I also got the impression you are trying to start a sexist debate "men are hunters.women are gatherers"

  10. they were black males

    blacks are 8 times more likely than whites, to kill

  11. they use to many steroids.

  12. It's humans, many are becoming more & more evil.

    Sign of the times.

  13. Frankly, it's not understood, at least 85% of the violence on the planet is committed by males. I would think most people would want to understand why, but most people are so uncomfortable with the fact (or openly hostile toward it)  that it rarely gets discussed. Here is a link to the various false arguments (many helpfully illustrated by other answerers here) use to deny this basic fact:

    Here is the parent article:

    It's an interesting question, I wish it were asked more often. And I wish I had an answer for you. Though you should rephrase it, because you are saying that males are horribly violent, which is terribly unfair to the vast majority of males. The question is why are 85% or more of the perpetrators of violence male?

  14. I dont know. Lets get Casey Anthonys opinion on this. And that group of cheerleaders down in Florida who videotaped themselves beating the c**p out of that other girl.

  15. Men are violent by nature - it's the job of their mothers and wives to socialise them out of it, but however successful they are, instinct will always play a part. That's the beginning and end of the answer.

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