
Why are many men obsessed with the way women look?

by  |  earlier

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It seems to me that a lot of men are always accusing women of being vain, and worrying about the way they look, and spending too much time in the bathroom. But when they come accross a woman who refuses to worry about the way she looks, for instance not wearing makeup, doesn't shave her legs or maybe shaves her head, she gets called feral. Don't get me wrong, I love to look good but it's for me, however I get a never ending stream of men thinking that I might actually care about what they think. Like when I died my hair black (from blonde), guys said that they liked it better blonde (as if it was ever for their benefit!). In my opinion, the way a person looks should be the least important thing about them, so guys, why do you always talk about the way women look?




  1. It has been said, and I believe it is true, that men love whom they find attractive and women find attractive whomever they love.

  2. Exactly.  I have noticed that same thing.  The same men who complain about makeup are the ones who stare at the high maintenance women.  Go figure.

    The media tell us to be obsessed with the way women look.  It's a billions per year business.

  3. Funny, I just asked a similar question...;...

    Some of these high profile men are so obsessed with the way a woman looks or how slim she is, that some don't bother to look at integrity or character and and then they wonder why they wind up being taken in by the golddiger types!

    Just look at Phil Collins and Sir Paul McCartney...both of them average looking if not downright unattractive men whose good looking "trophy" wives took them to the cleaners!

    Both of them should be cautionary tales to the rest of the male gender.

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