
Why are many of the questions posted by girls/ women about...?

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Falling out with other female friends? Men don't seem to complain about falling out with their friends as much.




  1. girls are usually more sensitive and when they fall out it's usually about big issues that mean a lot to them like guys, parties etc. guys aren't usually as fussed

  2. I agree with your observation.  In my experience, the guys I know have had just as many "falling out" experiences with their friends as the girls have, but they seem to just shrug their shoulders and act like they don't care, while we want to talk about it.

    It seems insensitive to me, but I'm sure we seem hypersensitive to you!

  3. We girls often fall out about issues men wouldn't even think about - but they are important to us.

  4. Posted by girls where, exactly?  I've never seen a question of that type in this forum.

  5. I think men tend to keep emotions inside because they fear what other men may think of them.  Women are allowed to express themselves better as they are seen as the more emotional gender.  Women tend to share their experience with one another and that helps us deal better with our relationships. Men have falling outs and they even get depressed about losing those relationships they just tend to not express their feelings for fear of what other men would say to them.

  6. men don't fall out with each other over shoes or hair colour

    Tracey, you know men who fight over trucks and ownership of women? ok, that explains a lot.

  7. Many females are very concerned with emotions and feelings.  This is not necessarily a bad thing.  That same concern with feelings and relationships help when you have children.  That's what makes moms.

  8. dont know, but i remember awhile ago my step sister asked me why it seemed ALL the guys in her class were friends yet the girls fight every day. Oh and she said she prefers hanging out with the guys cuz she thinks girls are BORING! But what does she know...shes only 11

  9. No, Eoghan, men get into bar fights over such high-brow stuff as who insulted whose truck, which one has the right to approach a girl who wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot-pole anyway, and who thinks who is cheating at the Thursday night poker game.

    Y'know...IMPORTANT stuff.

  10. I think most guys are more forgiving to each other then we are. They can play fight and we can't

  11. They aren't, you made it up.

    I've just scanned through the first three pages of G&WS questions and cannot see one question that fits this description.

    Cheers :-)

  12. hahaha thats because guys are more easy going and less complicated than women. theres no drama when it comes to most guys. and with fighting, guys can punch each other once then shake hands and be done. with women, thats just not possible.

    hence the reason why i don't get along with women. lol.

  13. because women let there emotions control their lives, men use logic.

  14. because women fall out with their friends on regular basis

    i bet every woman in here has at least one ex-friend who they fell out with and never spoke to again

  15. From a male perspective, I tend to think that women have a greater 'personal & emotional' investment in their relationships that we men do ~ although ~  

    I also suspect that my answer is skating lithly over a lot more complex set of issues and paramiters than the simple black n white I'm painting it as here .....calling for a much fuller / lengthier answer than this.


  16. Men have falling out with their friends just as much as women do. Its just that women take loosing a friend harder then most men do. I know that for most women, like myself, when I lose a friend its like losing someone in my family. I even get a little depressed about it, because I normally don't make people I know a close friend unless I've known them for a while. So I'm no longer close to some one, it hurts. And it takes me a while to get over it.

  17. I disagree.  Women tend to exhibit passive aggression and men just plain aggression.    Why is there so much more male on male violence if men don't "fall out" with each other.

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