
Why are many so uninformed about the Georgia-Russia conflict?

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It seems like every kid my age has no idea whats going on. I tell them and their like, "huh?" Do they even realize that this is a HUGE deal? or am I just overreacting? Give me your thoughts. Thank you.




  1. And everyone thought the Soviet Union was dead..HaHa..RIGHT....

  2. they don't  teach us history anymore.

  3. It's because this conflict is in a distant part of the world and it doesn't affect them personally. The only way it will affect them is if it escalates into an all-out war and they end up fighting in it.

  4. Georgia has violated all the agreements and began to bomb Tskhinvali.

    Short version.

  5. Because of our insulating government. Our crappy leaders dont want us to know that we are about to be fighting another war on another front....for reasons that really have nothing to do with us....

    So the media is basically instructed to avoid the subject matter.

    Not much of surprise.. the media does it all the time...if you want real news about the the BBC or read online news from Reuters....youll be amazed at what we dont get told.

  6. You know what's worse?

    I have friends that have University degrees and they didn't even know Georgia was a COUNTRY!

    Awful, isn't it?  

  7. Probably because the rest of the world are only watching the Olympics and celebrity gossip.

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