
Why are many under the impression that illegal immigration is a victimless crime. ?

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Many New Hampshire residents are under the impression that illegal immigration is a victimless crime.

Unfortunately, this is not true. Studies have found that illegal immigration causes substantial human costs to American citizens and legal immigrants.

Those that are particularly vulnerable are children, women and minorities.

According to the 2006 House Committee on Homeland Security Border Report, every year an estimated 4,300 American citizens lose their lives by an illegal immigrant.

On February 2008, an illegal immigrant took the lives of 9-year-old Hunter Javens, 13-year-old Jesse Javens, 9-year-old Emilee Olson and 12-year-old Reed Stevens.

Several thousands of senseless deaths could have been prevented if our federal, state and local law enforcement would enforce our immigration laws and secure the border.




  1. Every legal American is a victim

    cuno84- before you start calling this prejudice I suggest you read up on the subject, and get real.

  2. Numbers and "facts" are very easy to manipulate and if you trust the "facts" and figures coming from the Dept. of Homeland Security, you are an idiot.

    The border is not going to be secured. Illegal immigrants will always be here, be they from Mexico, Cuba, Africa, wherever, because they see America as the land of opportunity, much like someone in your family tree once did.

    Immigrants don't commit any more crime than legal citizens--why would the immigrant risk deportation back to the country they risked life and limb to leave?

  3. i fill you i have lost everything because of this i have lost my job and everything.or government needs to thank of use americans first.they all come over here and get to live the american dream what about us.

  4. This is called prejudice by selection.  How many thousand people were killed by American born people?   Way more than those numbers.  So, are you saying that if I moved to England illegally, I'd be more likely to murder someone.  Making a bias off of these kind of statistics is pure stupidity.

  5. i dunno

  6. "According to the 2006 House Committee on Homeland Security Border Report, every year an estimated 4,300 American citizens lose their lives by an illegal immigrant." This is just the murder rate. Add in the number killed by DUI drivers (28% of DUI fatalities are caused by illegal aliens) and "other" (mostly non DUI accidents) and the number is 10,000+ per year!

    Victimless my A$$!

  7. ilegal inmigrant are the support of the economy of states like California. This state is the fourth world economy because the ilegals. What did you get your information from ? Calif is going broke ! Thousands of people have been laid off,state workers force to take minimal wage. California, Illinois Among Worst

    Two states, California and Illinois, illustrate the scale of the problem.

    California's budget calculations included no estimate of revenues. Only estimated expenses are noted. Reviewing the FY07 CAFR, we found a net deficit (operating loss) of $1.083 billion.

    True transparency and accountability begin with a budget process that gives taxpayers a clear and concise report of where their money is proposed to be spent. California hasn't even begun to move toward such an approach.

    The Illinois budget includes both anticipated revenues and expenditures, but each audit of that budget shows an ever-expanding hole between what was budgeted and what actually transpired during that fiscal year. In FY07, Illinois' CAFR reported an accumulated net deficit of more than $20 billion. Nevertheless, the legislature and governor are not close to bringing about meaningful change in the current procedures.

    This year's budget process in Illinois shows signs of being as cantankerous as last year's, when frustrated legislators were kept in the state capital until mid-August. When Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) claimed in August 2007 the legislature was not working for a truly balanced budget, the state comptroller weighed in by pointing out the past four budgets the governor had signed were not balanced.

    Illinois consistently ranks among the worst in providing its citizens a transparent budget process that actually tries to match the budgeted needs with reality. Until elected officials keep spending in line with realistic revenue projections, the state's budget hole will only get deeper.

    If these illegals would remained where they were this would not happen. Saying it's a wave of hate because people are speaking up about the impact of illegal immagrtion is something we as citizens of this country are allowed to do. This is not the first crime by an illegal nor will it be the last. Mentally thinking everyone who crosses the border is alright and only wants to pick some oranges or apples or tomatoes is living in the twilight zone.So how illegals are helping California isn't clear- since they are going broke-Another example is California's budget deficit is by any reasonable measure enormous. This budget deficit is estimated at $17.2 billion and represents more than 17 percent of the state's general fund expenditures (about $101 billion). In contrast, New York, which faces the second-worst budget gap in the nation for fiscal year 2009, has a gap of about $5 billion, which represents less than 10 percent of its budget.

  8. There really is no such thing as a victimless crime, and certainly not illegal immigration.

    People generally use that silly phrase to refer to prostitution, but prostitution is also not a victimless crime.  The prostitute is a victim, the john is a victim, the john's family certainly are victims, and society is a victim.

    The same can be said for illegal immigration.

  9. People aren't the brightest bulbs around and the media tells 'em it's OK. Go figure!

  10. you know the saying "they don't want to admit the truth". it's usually because they are benefitting from the illegal being here. they are illegal themselves or are the employer or are getting the welfare or other benefits.  Then they want to yell "racist" or "they want a better life". they will say anything to justify their cause.  it isn't a victimless crime and they know it. I don't care if all they do is come here and have 1 anchor baby that they don't pay for and Never commit another crime. that anchor baby is $10,000 that tax payers pay for.. do you know how many people who pay taxes could be helped with that $10,000 . A lot.  1 illegal in section 8 housing..they are not hurting anything ..except that homeless family now living on the street ..Until the crime hits directly home law enforcement and politicians will never care. maybe if an illegal rapes or kills the Presidents or governers wife or child or whoever, something will be done but until then, they don't care.

  11. That's because no immagrants go to New Hampshire, they all go here to California

  12. Yes I agree crime is a problem, that doesn't fit your question. Many illegal immigrants come here and do agriculture work that citizens don't want to do. So you have to factor all things in. If they could stop the criminal activity,gangs, illegal voting, and terrorist threats it might actually benefit us to have illegal aliens healthcare costs included.

  13. Because they don't live near illegals and face the reality that the rest of us do. That or they do know the truth and prefer to pretend they don't because they profit from illegals in some way.

  14. An illegal is no more likely to murder than an American citizen. All groups of people have their bad seeds, and you cannot blame all of the illegals because of a crazy murderer that happened to be illegal.

    Us Americans need to stop being so hateful. Those children of the illegals are the future of America. They are citizens, going to school, getting well educated and many of them will be tri-lingual. They learn spanish from their parents, english in school and will learn a second language (it will actually be their third language) in school.  

  15. Illegal doesn't equal criminal. Maybe Mexico should kick out white people from our country, I'm from a touristic city and I've seen a lot of criminal activity committed by americans.

  16. Every dollar we have to spend to cover welfare, food stamps and health care for illegals, takes away from our citizens who truly need these services.

    Its illegal to kill someone, its illegal to shot someone, its illegal to sell or buy drugs, so its ILLEGAL to come here without applying for a green card.  What part of illegal don't people understand??

  17. IDK, but its not funny anymore.  They must be the same people who keep re electing the politicians who DO NOTHING about the problem or anything else for that matter, except pander to the masses with their lies to get what they want.

  18. Deport the Illegal criminals !  

  19. Countries should take a better approach to this like Australia which have a point system, that way they know who is eligible coming in and who is not, plus you cannot enter the country unless you have a job lined up, that way its not costing hard working citizens in taxes because they will pay their own.

  20. What about George W. Bush???  He has ordered the murder of iraqui people.  Many of the dead are children.   Is George W. Bush an ilegal inmigrant?  No, he isn't.    

    Besides, why blaming so many people for the bad actions of just one phsycopath?    The ilegal inmigrant are the support of the economy of states like California.  This state is the fourth world economy because the ilegals.  They do the job no one wants to do.    

    Why so many racism and hate?  

  21. 4300, wow that's more than any year in Iraq, so people statistically have a better chance of being killed by an illegal immigrant, than any year fighting in Iraq.


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