
Why are mc donalds mc flurry spoons so big?

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Why are mc donalds mc flurry spoons so big?




  1. the mc flurries are pretty thick so I suppose the spoons need to be sturdy. If they were normal plastic spoons,they might bend. And it could be that the mixer thing has to connect to it

  2. Our fast food restaurant chain name is plastered all over our outlets and on our menus and advertising literature.

    That name is McDonald's.

    The spoon to which you refer is our Cornetto McFlurry spoon.

    We are not mc donald's or have any connextion with mc flurry or his spoons.

    McDonald's. OK?

    Thank you for your custom and have a nice day.

  3. the long tube is how the coating gets in

  4. So you can eat a lotta ice cream at once. Complaining? :)

  5. big americans big spoons....

  6. McDonalds = chavs = big mouths = big spoons.

  7. So you can pig out more efficiently.

  8. What Philip H said

    my mum didnt believe me when i told her!

    then i made her watch the guy and he did it and she was pretty amazed :P

  9. So you can scoop it in your mouth more efficiently.

  10. The spoons need to fix onto the mixer to flurry the icecreme propperly, however if you feel the spoon is too big just ask for a sundea spoon.

    Im a shift runner there and our aim is to please.

  11. yes it is in fact to attach and blend your ice cream..... hey go try a blizzard you ll never eat mcdonads again.... promise.

  12. cos it has to attach to the machine to mix it

  13. probably because it originates from america and ALOT of americans are overweight

  14. I don't know. But I hate that. It doesn't fit in my mouth and makes eating awkward. I like dairy queens thin red spoons better. Besides the bigger the spoon the more plastic  is wasted.

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