
Why are medical services so expensive?!

by  |  earlier

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i go to the doctors to get my foot check, x ray and looked at and they charge like hundreds of dollars! Now i heard if you get something like cancer or brain tumor its going to cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars! My question is why does it cost so much? What is it that justifies the price?




  1. Supplies - medicines, etc.


    malpractice insurance (if the doctor gets  sued...)

  2. Because you aren't Canadian.

  3. This is what it boils down to, people are cows and those big companies (including insurance companies) will milk them until the last drop so long people allow it to happen. You know, just like real cows are milked by humans without ever saying no. Any other reason or excuses for the very high cost of health care is BS, period. Even the poorest of the poor countries have free health services, and NOT NECESSARILY of less quality compared to the US.

  4. The entire US Health System is topsy-turvy. First, no doctor graduates med-school without hundreds of thousands of dollars debt! Then there's more loans to open an office, hire staff.

    Technology for medicines, drugs, equipment, machinery costs millions. You presently will pay extra if you are hospitalized to cover the cost of another patient who is from Mexico illegally.

    All these things cost money & it only comes from one of two places: eithe YOU pay as a patient or YOU pay as a taxpayer: that's the Amercian way these days, and it does need changed somehow...

    You & your friends should learn to VOTE + WHO to vote for. Use YOUR brain & do your best!

  5. Health insurance claims and malpractice insurance to protect the docs from outrageous, frivolous lawsuits by people who refuse to take responsibility for their own health.

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