
Why are members of the RNC and Fox news smearing Palin?

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I watch Fox news all the time, and they were talking about Palin's child having a child all day. Even last night members of the RNC went out of their way to bring it up. Can someone tell me why both would do that?




  1. Let's face is sensational stories sell air time.  Those folks don't want to be left out.  And, it is NEWS.  Today will be the test.  Are media people still talking about it?

  2. tabloid news!

  3. Because it is news. It is appalling that so many adults are willing to exploit and traumatise a frightened child facing the biggest challenge of anyone's life (ie: parenthood - remember there is a real BABY involved here as well as a real child!) But this situation has shown that most adults are more than happy to join the Palin Posse

    So many people seem willing to endanger the health and welfare of two children and all of them claim that they are doing it from the high moral ground. So with Fox News that high ground is 'The public's right to know." The Dem supporters on this forum claim it is all about "truth, accountability and transparency for elected officials". The Republicans are using it to promote a "Right to Life" moral high ground.

    Well here is MY moral high ground.

    Shut up and leave that little girl in peace to FINALLY develop a sense of joy and celebration at the fact that she is about to become a mother. No matter what your chosen moral high ground you have to admit she has that right.

    Is she too young to be a mother?

    Almost certainly.

    Are these some of  the worst circumstances imaginable under which she might have become a mother?

    Quite probably.

    Does she have any less right to love that child than you do to love yours?

    No way in h**l!

    Post natal depression is a potentially fatal disease. Young mothers are particularly susceptible to it.Mothers undergoing stressful situations are another high risk group.Does this sound like anyone you know?

    It will be a miracle if you moral warriors have not made postnatal depression a certainty for Bristol Palin.Read "Down Came The Rain" by Brooke Shields and you may have some insight into the depths of despair into which it can plunge a mature woman. Then imagine that in a 17 year old girl subjected to 24 hour media scrutiny and censure.

    And then SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU!

  4. Probably because they think, she isn't the best qualified person for the job.

  5. "An awful lot of Liberal dribble for this early in the morning isn't it?"

    Very funny. Someone calling Fox News Liberal! That has to be a first!

    Why the right wing Republicans would I don't know but I think their issue is she is a right-wing Fascist Evangelical! Pretty Bad when Fox doesn't like her.

    She already has a criminal record, used her mayoral town office to run her campaign for Lt. Governor, and is currently being investigated for misuse of her office. What more could you possibly want from a woman with such a vast amount of experience!

    Even McCain is a member of the Keating 5, being hauled before the Ethics Committee for accepting free plane rides and free vacations from Charles W Keating, the criminal at the Lincoln Savings and Loan during that little crises that cost American taxpayers 2.3 TRILLION!

    What a ticket!

  6. not all republicans are in love with family values.

    this is an absolutely absurd story. even o'reilly says "LETS NOT TALK ABOUT IT AND GIVE THEM PRIVACY."

    then he makes his ENTIRE show about it.

    ******* bonkers man.

  7. They've been talking about the ATTACKS on her and her daughter by the liberal loonies. I've been watching Fox and I haven't seen them do anything but defend her. Same goes for the RNC. They spoke of it in her DEFENSE.

    You obviously want to make it look like even her own party is against her. NOT TRUE.

  8. At least those republicans are consistent. I have little respect for the rest who constantly change their minds based on what they futily believe will get them the most votes.

  9. I also have been seeing the same thing!

    I'm not sure, but it seems even some in the RNC is not for Palin

    Its sad to see Fox news talking about more then anyone else

  10. Because it's the Christian conservatives who are obsessed with phony moralizing not liberals like posters would have you believe.

  11. To get you to keep watching. Do yourself a favor - TURN OFF THE TV

    read a book, a journal, go for a hike...

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