
Why are men generally funnier than women? ?

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I know it sounds a little strange the way I phrased it, and I don't mean to sound sexist (I am a GIRL) but I find people are generally more accepting of a man trying to be funny than a woman. Don't get me wrong, there are very funny female comedians out there! But it's almost like women aren't expected to be funny like men. It's hilarious when a guy makes an idiot out of himself, but when a girl does it......people don't see it the same way.

Sorry if I'm not explaining this well. Here's an article that better explains what I'm talking about.

What do you think?




  1. Interesting, seems true as well. I don't have a theory that's sound enough for me to posit. Ok, I'll try, maybe it's something to do with male aggression. Humor relieves tension, being found as humorous relieves tension as well. Maybe these smiling faces get to the male's good graces. Clowning around and trying to befriend one another, maybe the laughter shows acceptance.

    I just don't know. What do you think the reason is?

  2. I think it could be because men since the beginning of evolution have been the ones who SEARCH FOR a mate, and are not SEARCHED FOR to continue the system of reproduction. This allowed men to be slightly more experimental with their personalities as they were looking for acceptance by a female.  

  3. because for women funny isn't equal to s**y, which is usually very important for some women

  4. Because we are!

  5. Women have gotten such a bad rap. Example- it's ok for men to have s*x with lots of women and once a woman has s*x she's a ho (promiscuous.) It;s ridiculous, not that I'm a fan of pre-marital s*x, nor do i judge others i just feel people put women on a short leash.

    I feel there are many funny woman out there, Ellen, Margaret Cho... it's just a matter of confidence. Woman will be seen as funny when they stop trying to copy men and learn to have their own comedic voice.

  6. I suppose it's more socially acceptable for a man to make a fool of himself in public than it is for a woman. We expect men to look like idiots.  They do it regularly (sorry guys), but we look down on women if they try to do the same things.

  7. You know I've often wondered about this from time to time too.

    Women are funny, just in a different way than men.  We're used to men being, for the most part, dominant.  But now in modern times its about 50/50.  However, when we see a woman stepping into the center of attention, part of us still think its low.  Nobody wants to be in the company of someone who can 'steal their shine' and for this reason, a woman in the spotlight is intimidating to both men and women.  A woman's thoughts are 'great, all eyes on her, now nobody's gonna see my new dress.' And the men are probably thinking, 'No way a woman can be funnier than me'.  It's hard to cop a laugh when you look at it that way.

    Well, how do you feel when you're in the company of a female 'comedian'?  I'm sure its pretty much like, 'd**n, I wish I could be the funny one' and that's probably what sums it up.  

    I'll go with my mother's advice and be 'reserved' in social situations, only because a little bit of mystery is always more sexier than a big mouth.  Once you get to know someone, then it's time to prove you're funny.  That's how I get away with it.  

  8. Women do not make themselves  idiots as guys gladly perform all over, rather they are good to add which make guys a complete idiots in some well known situation...To see that as a side witness is really funny, guys look authentically stupid..for those it needs years  to realize how funny it was.

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