
Why are men in Womens health and Women in Mens health??

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This just cracks me up!!!!

Men in womens health:;_ylt=AunvYq6KlCKHTVskUhfGQBkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20061126093431AASQhDw

Women in mens health:;_ylt=AhTEFfdVyJK_nVUD5GAYSBgjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071206155419AApwL4G

I Guess we just gotta live with each other!!! Deal with it. XD

I couldn't help but post this.




  1. Those questions were funny! They come up a lot. I'm a Top Contributor in both sections! Most of the questions in both are knowledge-based rather than experience-based so if you have done the research then you get the answer, regardless of gender. I think it's rude when people try to get the other gender to get out! A lot of guys know a lot about girls because they have had lots of girlfriends, same the other way around. BTW I saw your other question on circumcision. Most of my answers in Men's Health are actually educating people that it's not a good thing!


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