
Why are men into the cookie-cutter image?

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I am a 17 year old female having trouble with finding a guy who actually ISN'T into the cookie cutter image of skinny,White,blonde girls who tan too much, have perfectly manicured nails & wear Abercromnie & Fitch.

I am half Italian, half Black & have a style all my own:)...I've got a tattoo of a panther on my thigh, I rock red lipstick,winged black eyeliner,chucks & purple nailpolish. I am an original so to speak..And I love standing out:)

Guys always overlook me for these cookie cutter blondes(half of them aren;t even pretty, and I must say, I am an attractive girl)...And it annoys me:S

ANy guys out there who are actually into girls who have their own unique style?




  1. Guys your age are shallow and their hormones are hay-wire.  Your best bet would be to date outside of your school.  Try going to local punk shows, hanging out at a mom and pop cafe(not starbucks).  The guys who tend to hang there are really chill and more opened minded.

    Also, declairing that you have an independant style is a bit of a turn off to the guys you're seeking.  Try embrassing your look as if it was effortless to you.

  2. Find someone who appreciates you. These guys are just going with the status quo. You don't want anything to do with them anyway. You will find someone who thinks the way you do, so don't worry. It would seem to me you would have no interest in these boy-bots anyway.

  3. show us what you mean i have yet to see a picture like that of you

  4. .

    I know what you mean about those girls, I had them when I was in school, the size 0 girls whom everyone wanted. Maybe it doesn't give you much assurance but at your age, most guys your age are into that sort of thing. You'll meet the person when it's time and usually those guys are the ones that you want, not the guy who goes after every chick in a skirt.

    You want the one who'll take time not to be with those girls. He's probably right under your nose but he's not cute enough or something. If you're going for those guys who go for those girls, well that's their type--go futher with your exploration like your asking from them.

  5. you dont have a tattoo lying *** m**o lol

  6. You sound a h**l of a lot more attractive than the average Barbie clone....

  7. Well I think that lots of men and boys are lol somewhat obsessed

    with the American standard of beauty because they are fixated on

    the thought of PERFECTION which lots of times we view on Billboards,Magazine covers, TV and something or someone which seems to be flawless on the outside becomes their desire, But their are many

    guys out there who loves the more unusual exotic dark haired beauties

    like you! so don't give up hope!!!! I HOPE THIS HELPS!!!

  8. there are guys out there who will find you beautiful. dont worry,you sound gorgeous. its the media that puts it in their heads that this is what women are suppose to look like.its bull shi8. id pick being different over the same anyday.

  9. Well, I certainly don't go for the bland, cookie cutter look.  I think you need to start hanging around guys who are more mature and intelligent.

    I do have this question though . . . are you maybe trying too hard to create an image and be unique?  Purple nails and tattoos?  Maybe you "rock" that look well, but what down-to-earth guys REALLY like is a gal who doesn't try too hard, and is cool and relaxed with just being easy to hang out with.

    "I love standing out".  Guys don't want that.  It makes you come across as having an attitude and thinking you are better than others.

    Don't be a "rebel".  Just chill and don't put so much effort into it.

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