
Why are men much better drivers than women?

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Why are men much better drivers than women?




  1. Because men listen to urban legends.

    It's cheaper for a young woman to get car insurance than it is for a young man. At least in Australia it is.

  2. Sorry,  but our insurance isn't lower for no reason, Love.

    Stats say that women are much more defensive, while men are more offensive in the driver's seat...but it's highly possible that those stats are fudged by the fact that we can also humble ourselves out of citations more often. lol

    Good Journey!!!

  3. you've seen i'm sure ,women putting on makeup while driving and i'm sure that not paying  attention to the road  and other cars is it.if thats not it its gotta be close.

  4. I don't find that to be true at all.

  5. In general, I believe this is probably true. I think it's because men in general have better spatial awareness. You guys be better at driving, women are better at everything else!!!

  6. Who says they are better? Both men and women do some very stupid things while driving.

  7. looking for trouble today, i see.......

  8. wow...sweeping generalizations...

  9. heyy

    umm that is true but not in all cases some men drive like weenies and trust me i would no i taught 8 of my friends to drive (like men) and i think they juss can handle the vehicle or they get nervous and panic and reduce speed, switch lanes for no reason, or most commonly lean forward and have their head right over the steering wheel lol but ah i guess its all about not caring about the car because men could care less about speed limits, stop signs etc. women however are overly worried about that kind of stuff and if ur askin from experience with ur wife or girlfriend or sumthin it would be a better idea to not mention it to them lol

                                                                      hope i helped

  10. Actually, you men diver like maniacs, like if your in nascar. plus you men have a higher accident rate then woman, plus your right about woman, but not all woman are bad drivers, some are good drivers and some are bad drivers, same thing for men too. I understand that some woman put on their make-up or fixing there hair well there driving, but what about men when there reading the news paper or watching their TV in the car.  thats what I think about you men!!

  11. Simply put! Men have internal programming to be hunters and this makes their spatial sense better than women, thus making them better drivers on an average.

    However, all populations typically follow the normal curve and hence there can be many women drivers better than men drivers based on which part of the normal curve they are in the whole population.

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