
Why are men much more interested in men's sports than women are in women's sports?

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Why are men much more interested in men's sports than women are in women's sports?




  1. Since we left the agrarian way of life in western society, sports have become something that the vast majority of men begin playing before they are even really conscious of the world. It's what our dads did with us, what we did with our brothers and friends, a lot of times the first thing that we did that really made us feel like we could accomplish something or be a big shot. So sports are a pretty big part of a lot of men's most basic core being. Women who make fun of sports and call them stupid will find it impossible to live in a comfortable relationship with a very high percentage of men.  

  2. Because most women are not sports fans

  3. I fall into this category but then again, I could give a rats ash about sports all together whether it be men's or women's. Watching sports just doesn't captivate me.  Now, if men played naked, I'd never miss an event.

  4. Because footballers are s**y!

  5. because men's sport is more exciting because men are more active.

  6. any sport to me is boring

  7. Because men, athletically, will always compare themselves to other men. Also, with all due respect to women, the game played at the female pace is much slower (any game really, football, baseball, cricket for gods sake), so men are accustomed to seeing their sport played at the faster pace.  

  8. Ever take your daughter to a WNBA game?

    It's like a L*****n bar without the booze.

  9. Because the media makes a bigger deal out of men's sports, and doesn't acknowledge women's sports except when a women's sport is being dominated by one woman (in which case it's really not worth watching).  This isn't because the media are sexist; it's just because men's sports are more established.

  10. I find women sports boring...I guess all of that testosterone is really a thrill (for me anyhow)...

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