
Why are men so afraid of VAWA? ?

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Don't they realize this also includes men.

It makes sense since the US Department of Justice sites:

Women are far more likely than men to be murdered by an intimate partner. Of those murdered by their intimate partner, 74% are women and 26% are men. In other words, nearly 3 out of 4 of the murders committed by intimate partners have a female victim.

The FBI reports that between 1976 and 1996, domestic violence claims the lives of more than four women each day.




  1. Will you ever understand or care to understand? Can us men really understand women's issues?  The answer is because it is enforced in an unfair manner.  Under VAWA, men are GUILTY BEFORE BEING INNOCENT.  VAWA has and is creating Gendercide.    

    The German n***s did the same thing.  In the early morning hours, they dragged away many fathers from their homes.

    BTW, you first ask a question about men and VAWA, then go into a lecture using statistics and women victims.  

    Why not create your own statistics per Divorced men and VAWA?  Have you ever thought of interviewing divorced men/fathers to find out the truth?  Of course, most Divorced men don't talk about unfair experiences the way women do.  Where are the statistics for false domestic violence?  

    Does the FBI have statistics on how many men were treated unfairly by VAWA?  Or how many men have died and/or committed suicide because of VAWA?  I don't laugh or sneer at rape victims.  Why do feminists sneer at dead fathers?  

    My brother is dead because of VAWA.  A friend named Anthony is dead because of VAWA.  I almost died because of VAWA.  There are others just in my town alone and across America.  To be so blind as to be hatefilled & sexist and want to punish & kill innocent fathers, is scary indeed.  

    What about the children whose fathers are now dead, broken or pushed away because of VAWA?  Where are the statistics for that?  We men do not object to women being protected.  Rapists should be tortured.  We men (most of us) believe in equality.  We just want to see our children and live in equality and peace.    

    "Those who are warm will never understand those who are in the cold."  

  2. Mary Winkler will tell you just how much justice is afforded men who are murdered by their wives.

  3. I don't want to be attacked by a woman and then jailed because I either rightfully defended myself or called the police thinking they would arrest my attacker.

  4. Those stats are nice, but the stat you didn't include IS THE ONE STAT THAT TELLS US THAT MORE THAN HALF MURDER VICTIMS ARE MEN.  

  5. There is nothing neutral about that law. It's a sexist law and a sexist notion that only men abused and women are the sole victim of violence.   That law also make it easier for female abusers to get away with it when they abused men. Your "stats" are very much debatable and doesn't prove anything..

    Plain and simple, laws should be neutral and shouldn't favor any particular group because it would be unconstitutional.

  6. One law at a time, that's how they do it.

    Men can benefit from it by proxy but, anyone who knows anything about DV knows that men are reluctant to come forward because of the stigma attached. Now the title, VAWA, does this address this issue or compound it?

    A man is never going to come forward and say, "well she raised her voice and I sensed aggression", where as this bill encourages women to claim they are abused for those same reasons.

    This is how innocent men lose their children.

    More on the feminist attitude towards inclusion.,2933,1975...

  7. It seems that some men view the women they choose as unscrupulous vixens who will accuse them of battering at a moment's notice or that the women they have chosen will start hitting them at any time. The rest of society knows that men murder more men and women than vice versa, and that many more men murder their partners than vice versa. Also, more men batter women than vice versa, but according to one study, paranoid men are saying that it's mutual battering. The ER's say otherwise-obviously women need a lot more protection from men than vice versa. I see women murdered by their husbands every day, and quite a few get a slap on the hand. Of course some women are going to get away with murder as well. Neither is ok, but since when is the US justice system just?        

  8. I don't know where you got your stats but you're wrong. Men commit suicide more than women,men are being shot,stab and blown up more than women.

    it's not that men are afriand of vawa,We men hate vawa because they make men like we're the bad guys.

  9. Perhaps they are not afraid, just apprehensive.  I think most guys will not willingly go where they do not have adequate knowledge, or perhaps you are right, they fear what they do not know. =P

  10. It's being jailed unjustly that we fear.

    Because of VAWA, men are arrested, even when the woman initiated the violence.

    Women initiate DV more often than men, and men only fight back 25% of the time.

    When men do fight back and the police are called, it's the man that gets arrested even though the woman started the fight.  All thanks to VAWA.

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