
Why are messages being sent to our Yahoo group that appear like the group is sending them when we are not?

by  |  earlier

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Messages are being sent to our Yahoo group and it looks like the sender of the message is the group itself, but we are not sending out messages. Example "[ElenaOanaHreapca] RE: NEW INFO ON YAHOO DOWNLOAD LIMITS, 5/1/2008, 8:30 am"




  1. you have to look at whats before the (ElenaOanaHreapca) for the sender. if it's coming from the group it'll look like

    ElenaOanaHreapca [ElenaOanaHreapca] RE: NEW INFO ON YAHOO DOWNLOAD LIMITS, 5/1/2008, 8:30 am

    from on the group or e-mail, you can see who the sender is. the group title is always included in parentheses  ( XXXX )

  2. you could change your posting settings so that all posts require moderation.Click management, lower left on your group;'s home page.  In the next window click messages.  scroll down to  posting and archives and click  edit . Then tick  your wishes click save changes.  Just a suggestion.

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