
Why are mexican people sterotyped to be lazy?

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i always hear people complaining about mexicans being lazy but why do people say this?are the all really lazy and not work?




  1. I think its the exact opposite! Most of the mexicans I see and know, work 2 jobs and work harder than anyone else. They come here illegally and bust their a**es to send money home to their families. They take jobs that noone else wants to do anyways and work hard.

  2. On the contrary, most Mexicans are very hard workers. The origin of this stereotype goes back to the old tradition of the "Siesta".  A Siesta is a 2 to 3 hour break in the heat of the afternoon, where all work stops and people would go home and have something to eat with their families and maybe even take a nap.  This practice was common in Spain and other Southern European countries that became hot in the afternoon.  The practice was brought to the New World by the Spaniards.  Americans were not used to people sleeping in the middle of the day and assumed that Mexicans were simply lazy.  What they didn't realize is that after the hottest part of the day had passed the Siesta ended and they would go back to work for several more hours.

  3. This is an interesting question that deserves some analysis.  I lived in Mexico for a while and the Mexicans will be the first to admit that they are lax.  Now, when they say this, they are referring to the fact that they're not going to worry too much about doing things exactly right.  They don't care too much about deadlines, for example.  They also claim that they are mainly concerned with watching TV, eating and maybe having s*x.  That's actually one of the things I love about the Mexicans, they don't take themselves too seriously and they are very honest.  On the other hand, once they get to the USA and start working, that's a completely different story.  They have a reputation in the USA for being very hard workers, and deservedly so.  USA employers *like* hiring Mexicans.  If they are willing to cross a desert and risk their lives, they are hard workers.  They do this because they want to work.  

    And for all of you who think that I am stereotyping Mexicans and that not all Mexicans are like that - you need to relax a little more, like a Mexican ; )

  4. Yes, they are. I have heard many people say that, but that's interesting considering that many Mexican immigrants are willing to work hard to earn a living. That's far from laziness.  

  5. i agree with the one above me. we also practice siesta here in Phils (not just w/ my family) as 1 of the influences brought here by spain. americans must respect that tradition from hispanics all over the world.

    anyway Mexicans are hardworking people. In fact I have 1 mexican friend based in the US who even work on 2 diff companies so he can support himself.  

  6. I would answer your question amigo, but it is just to much work.

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