
Why are minority women so against adoption, even if they can't afford to raise a child?

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Some minority women would rather have a costly abortion than give up their child for adoption, why? They will spend money to kill the baby rather than give up for FREE. I don't understand it... most times the reason why you have to get rid or give up the baby is because you are not financially stable. White women seem not to have a problem with adoption... why is that?




  1. Because they are selfish.  If they can't have the baby they don't want anyone to have it.  There are couples that can't have kids and the only way to have a baby is to adopt.  There are way too many selfish people in this world!!


  2. Actually, women of color just have statistically higher birth rates in general.  And many black women place their babies for adoption!  There are many agencies that specialize in placing babies of color.

    There is the more conservative view of "If I carried the baby  for nine months, I'm not going to give it up", which is sometimes felt by younger black mothers.  And we as a society have made it so much acceptable for young single mothers to think it is a decent life to live on welfare, not work, and just "get by" with three kids and no fathers.  

    But the most courageous, heroic birthmothers I have ever worked with have been single, black women who selflessly placed their baby for adoption simply to give their child a hope for a better life, and ask for nothing in return.

  3. According to the Guttmacher Institute, Black and Hispanic women are indeed more likely to have abortions than white women....however this seems to have more to do with socioeconomic levels than culture or race, as those under the poverty line are also much more likely to have abortions and due to many factors minorities are over represented amongst the poor.

    Also, pregnancy and childbirth are not easy, nor are they free, so someone facing an unintended pregnancy, in dire financial circumstances, faces a difficult choice especially if they have other children to feed and care over 60% have had children previous to their abortion.

    I don't think we can judge others choices unless we have walked in their shoes. If you don't understand, that's probably a good thing as it means you have never been in this particular crisis situation.

    ETA for Jackie: Here is the reference and exact page

    "Black women are almost four times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely"

    They got the numbers from this study

    Jones RK, Darroch JE and Henshaw SK, Patterns in the socioeconomic characteristics of women obtaining abortions in 2000–2001, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2002, 34(5):226–235.

    I have used the Guttmacher for abortion facts for years as they are considered excellent researchers and non-biased.

  4. I think you're generalizing, because there are many minority women who do put their children up for adoption. The reason they choose abortion, in many cases, is cultural.

    In some cultures, including black and Hispanic, women who give up their children for adoption are looked down upon. If a woman has an abortion, no one has to know she was ever pregnant, so she avoids that stigma.

    In addition, many minority women know that any baby they give up for adoption is less likely to be placed than a child who is, for example, a blue-eyed blonde. Private adoptions for minority children are almost nonexistent. That's the racial bias inherent in our culture.

    In fact, handicapped Caucasian children are more likely to be adopted than healthy minority children. Sick, isn't it?

    Whereas a pregnant Caucasian woman can be almost certain that any child she gives up for adoption will be placed in a good home almost immediately, that is absolutely not true for minority children.

  5. I've actually seen many statistics in the past that showed white women as more likely to have abortions. I have no idea about adoption statistics though.

  6. Actually, most children available for adoption are minorities. As for the rest, I don't know. I would never have an abortion.... I mean, why when someone out there could give the baby a loving home???

  7. Steve,

    You have made a very good observation.  People will tell you that race doesn't matter, and they're right.  However, culture does play a big role in the way we handle certain aspects of life.  As someone adopted and African American, I often wondered the same thing.  I believe that it has a lot to do with culture.  Many African Americans try to keep families together.  You see a lot of African American children being raised by a godparent or  grandparents.  Our culture is often very close knit for the most part.  The European/Caucasian culture seems to be based more upon independence.  If there is an accidental pregnancy, whites have no problem with adoption.  They don't always rely on family to help raise the children.  They would rather take care of the situation on their own.  I know it still doesn't make much sense as why many blacks would rather have an abortion, but I am about to tie it together.  You see since OUTSIDE adoption is not as highly recommended in the black community those that have an accidental pregnancy that DO NOT want to give his or her child to a stranger OR are afraid to tell their family they're pregnant would rather kill it.  It is likely that if the family knew about the pregnancy they would be willing to help raise the child.  Because of embarrassment, many women choose abortion.  I THINK this may come from slavery days when our families were separated.  Do you remember that part in "Beloved" when she killed the baby, because it was better for her to have it dead than taken away?  I don't know if I was able to explain it well enough for you to understand, but I hope you do a little.  I believe it mainly has to with culture.  This of course does not mean that there aren't black women that choose adoption or white women that choose abortion.  Personally, I don't believe in either UNLESS no family agrees to help you and you ABSOLUTELY have no other choice.  I do, however, believe in contraceptives and abstinence. That way we wouldn't have problems like children being aborted or in orphanages.  This goes for white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and any other culture.  I REALLY hope I explained so you could understand what I meant.

  8. i honestly don't understand why the system just allows abortions to go on... there are so many people out there that can't have babies of their own yet all these teens and whatnot are just killing them off like its nothing. I will never understand why abortions are legal!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't help you with your question but I can say its' screwed up to let a baby die when it can have a chance just like any other child! If you know you can't afford to have a baby - - - - - STOP HAVING s*x

  9. Why do you feel the need to stereotype? Did you do a nationally recognized survey? Did you read a nationally recognized survey?

  10. Who gives you the right to stereotype black women as being against adoption? Instead of doing a general stereotype, an itelligent person would just ask that specific person why SHE did it. Just because one woman of a particular race did something, this does not mean that all women of that race agree or would do the same thing. As a (pregnant) black woman, I am very against abortion, but who cares, right? Abortion is killing a baby no matter what race you are. Adoption does clearly seem like a better solution if those are your two options, but it is not the race that is doing it, it is the specific woman that is doing it, so maybe you should have just asked her instead of showing us your ignorance. You need to get your facts straight before giving a general stereotype when you don't have the first clue about what you are talking about.

  11. WOW now if that is not the most ignorant, stereo typed thing I have read in awhile. As a minority and a woman and a woman who gave up a child for adoption, not because I could not afford him, but because I was raped and felt I could not mentally handle taking care of him,  I find that ridiculous. Most of the children in the adoption process today are of another race than Caucasian , so you might want to rethink that statement.

    And from working in the health care profession just as many Caucasians have abortions as women of other ethnicity's. And finances are not the number one reason, being a single mother is amongst the most prevalent as well as rape date rape or incest.

    I can also tell you that international adoption is very popular now days because it is very loosely regulated and less expensive, there are alot of  live children who are not wanted in the U.S even by those who chose to adopt.

  12. I believe that by giving up there child for  adoption some women feel a failure because they are unable to care for the child outside the womb.Another reason perphaps is because they would find it hard to cope with knowing that there own flesh and blood is living some place away from them and they were unable to give the child the care it deserved

  13. That is a very loaded question. Me not being a minority cant answer that question. But i was a stereotype. 16 and pregnant ( i am now 23). White women have the same problem its just for some stupid reason its more acceptable for us to have abortions. We arent frowned upon as much. I think its complete bull that you split up "white women" from "minority women". People are people for god sake. Regardless of race, color, or creed!!!

    As a note to dare you say that caucasian women dont care about their kids when they put them up for adoption!!!! Unless you have felt the pain and sorrow of giving up a precious human being to give them a better life then you could ever offer it, i would suggest you shut your mouth!!!

  14. First of all, there's already way too many children seeking adoption. There are not enough parents to take those children.

    Secondly, an abortion costs about $300. If I had it my way, we'd be encouraging people to have abortions. Look how stupid society is already, especially the younger generation. If we can't sterilize them we can at least stop them from spreading their genes.

  15. If you are only going by what you have 'noticed' then you are being extremely racist.  Why dont you go 'find the facts' yourself instead of posting a racist quesiton then asking for facts to prove you wrong?

  16. From what I've seen is that there are more minorities up for adoption than whites. Both are equally to blame..I see kids everyday at work whos parents are just trashy looking and treat there kids like c**p...they should'nt even be allowed to live,let alone breed. It is morally wrong to kill a baby..but when you carry a child inside of you for 9're already attatched to it and I think it would be very painful to give a baby up.

  17. If, and this is a big if, if you have noticed it to be true... than maybe the difference between those that have parented their children versus those that have placed is that there has been a extra value being placed on family cohesiveness.  Some families do not think at any time or in any situation that a child should be lost to adoption and they adapt to unplanned or crisis pregnancies accordingly.

  18. Wow. First, minority women are not against adoption in general.  Do remember that in the African American community there are many unofficial adoptions-friends and/or family members care for the child. They feel that the child is "theirs" and they don't want to alienate the child's mother by making it legal. Also, many minorities have been discriminated against by agencies and so they distrust anything attached to the government on general principal. (Please understand that I am not trying to speak for ALL minorities-just noting some trends). A small percentage are against transracial adoption. In part this percentage sees the "selling" of minority children to the dominent white race as unethical. White women being in the dominent race cannot comprehend what it is like being in a minority one.

    Women, both White and minoirty, make adoption plans for their children for many reasons. Money is just one of them. Youth is another. Inability to cope with a child is another.

    While abortions do cost money, pregnancies are very hard on the body and often on the emotions.  Teens don't want their reputations ruined, a wife doesn't want her husband to know she cheated, a student doesn't want to quit college. I really don't like the idea of abortions but it's not my body in these cases. Also, please don't say the child will be adopted. There are 120,000 waiting children in this country alone. Also, minority children have a much harder time getting adopted than "perfect, White, infants" so birth mothers may have to accept a family that is not as good as they want.

  19. It's not just minoritys that have abortions, it's ALOT of women. Which I don't understand why abortion is even legal either. If you are dumb enough to have unprotected s*x and get pregnant you need to grow up and take care of your child or put him/her up for adoption where someone else can take care of him/her for you. I am 18 and have a 3 year old child, I NEVER thought about abortion but did consider adoption for quite some time until I was about 6 months into my pregnancy and realized that I couldn't just let someone else take care of and raise my baby.

  20. I am white and have three children.  I have never had an abortion and never thought about giving my children up for adoption.  Having said this, what facts do you have that state that minority women are more likely to have an abortion than white women.  I don't think that you actually have facts to back up what you are saying.

    Look at this website on abortion by race statistics.

  21. I really dont think that it has anything to do with walk into any abortion clinic and you will see whites, blacks, indians etc.

    It comes down to the fact that alot of woman prefer abortion out of fear of getting attached to the child and being pregnant. i think for many people not all they see it as if they abort there is no connection to the baby and when the do the adoption they have to deliver the baby and they have to give the baby away.

    not saying i agree with that i think if your stupid enough to lay down and get pregnant then you shouldnt abort the child its not there choice, but at the same time its a right that woman have. i agree if you are raped or what not, but i think adoption is a way to go, you still give life to a child.

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