
Why are monarch butterflies disappearing?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a school project on why

monarch butterflies numbers have been decreasing...

If anyone knows, please tell me!

I would really appreciate it!

Thanks to everyone that answers!




  1. 1. went down Mexiko wae

    2. hu sez em R less?

    3. All anamal populashun go up & down, sum hav regular cycle, sum dont.

  2. The trees they live in are being cut down. They have no place to live or breed. Just like most other animals on earth, humans are decreasing their numbers by destroying their habitat.

  3. The website i am going to give you is the PERFECT website for your project and i gurantee you it will complete your project.Please check this website out.

  4. Well from what I read the other day, at least where I am it's supposedly just a light butterfly year in general for one reason or another.

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