
Why are monkeys still here?

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If humans evolved from Monkeys/Apes, why r they still here?




  1. Dogs evolved from wolves, yet no one questions the fact why wolves are still here.  How come?

  2. We didn't evolve from the monkeys we see today. We both evolved from a COMMON ANCESTOR.

    Everything that exists today is of this generation (so to speak); nothing that exists today is from another species that is also in existence. Or at least it is very very uncommon; I can see it happening when the evolutionary barriers are geogaphic.

  3. This question has been asked and answered at last a few million times on this site. Do finds to read more answers.

    W ARE apes, who evolved from earlier apes.

    There's no reason th rest of th primates wouldn't still exist. Evolved from doesn't mean that each ape suddenly -- poof -- turned into a human.

    If you wanted to actually understand scinc, you could start with th abov links.

    Let m ask you this: If you gave birth to a child with green hair, would every other human die? Or would everyone's hair turn green?

    Same thing.

  4. Apes evolved from a single type of monkey to occupy a new niche.  The old niches was still there for monkeys and all the other monkeys evolved into other monkeys.  Monkeys still can survive in the world even with apes and humans.  That is sort of like asking if we domesticated dogs from wolves, why are there still wolves.

  5. They say that humans evolved from monkeys, but there is no evidence of the in-between stage. Lik they say mamals evolved from fish etc, vey basic forms but I wonder because there's no fossils of the in between stage when they were evovling.

  6. They jst say it was evolving...

    The monkey and apes are still there because our almighty father make them, and we cannot balance our nature without them...


    u was still there, they wouldn't living if u don't also leave, LOL!

    jst jokin!

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