
Why are more and more people not putting their dog on a lead?

by  |  earlier

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a worrying trend especially in my area, especially among owners of aggressive breeds. what is this all about? what if a child who didn't know the first thing about dogs did something that angered it, just by accident?!




  1. I agree with you.  As the owner of a small schnauzer that i keep on a lead, i find it annoying to come across people walking their dogs "free".  Not only is it dangerous for people (as you mentioned), but it could also potentially hurt the dog if he gets run over by a car AND it kills me every time i have to pull on my dog's lead to keep him away from his free friend.  I'm sure my dog would love to be free as well so he pulls on his lead like a lion and i have to restrain him.

    Not fair and not very considerate from the others.

  2. Check your city ordinances and see if you have a "leash" law. Most places do. Some dog owners feel it is bad for the dog, but the bottom line is, safety--for you, others and the dog too.

  3. I know, thank god you asked this question. Loads of people have phobia's of dogs. Everytime i walk past a dog, a shiver goes down my spine, sometimes i jump, if it barks.

  4. Sheer inconsideration. I have two gentle, friendly lab mixes who are always on leads. Simple reason: Others only see big black dogs, and can't know they are of the friendly sort.

    Enhancing walkies for all takes only a little thought.

  5. people do that in my neighborhood and I HATE it! we live out of the city limits so I can't do anything about it. My son is terrified of them, and we have a rottweiler that is a "puppy" that harrasses everyone. It is always wondering free and pooping in people's yards. I hate people who won't take care of their animals! if it gets hit one of these days, I won't be sad

  6. Why do wimpy people spread their hatred of dogs and dog owners?

    Insecure wimps pass this nonsense on to their children and the children in turn play the act on the parents just to gain attention and whip the wimpy parents.

    Truth is the phobia brigade are being rightfully ignored

  7. I totally agree, i always walk my dog on a lead for fairness to other people, it's the same with clearing up there muck it only takes a second and is kind to the environment and the human race.

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