
Why are more emails getting caught up in spam folder ?

by  |  earlier

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I am experiencing a lot of our emails not going out only to find them in a folder for potential Spam that I have to release ?? What can I do about this ?





  1. turn it off

    How do I turn Spam Filtering off?

    Here’s how to turn Spam Filtering off:

    From the list on the left, click Management.

    Click Messages under Group Settings.

    Click Edit next to Posting and Archives.

    Select Off under "Spam Filtering".

    Click Save Changes.

  2. It doesn't work very good, so you can shut if off in Management under emails

    I believe it was designed to keep the spam out of unmoderated and abandoned groups..

  3. Even though Yahoo has been working on improving the spam filter option, it seems to be still filtering out legitimate messages. Hopefully they will get it working better as time goes by.

    The group owner or a moderator with the assigned privilege can turn off the spam filter.

    Go to Management>Group Settings>Messages>Posting and Archives (click Edit). In the Spam Filtering column, select "Off". Click on Save changes.

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