
Why are more self defense tips online, more dedicated to women?

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Often in articles, what they say is slanted towards or is specifically for women.

However, many men are also concerned about safety, both their own and for their families.

What's up with that?




  1. Women need to be more assertive and they aren't as strong as a man

    Most women are not comfortable fighting...where men grew up defending themselves, playing football and other sports where physical contact was part of their lives.

    Women also need more specific ways to defend themselves without risking more harm to themselves.

    Women also need "permission" to be physical in defending themselves because they are taught NOT to fight!  Most women think things out too much and then act...and most times dont' follow their instincts...where men act first most of the time.

  2. This is true, but due to their nature, men probably find themselves in a position where they have to defend themselves more often than women!

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