
Why are mosquitoes good?

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This is a question from my 5 year old. So if anyone has an answer that would be great.....




  1. Every creature on this earth has a purpose. They have been created for a reason, reasons which we know and reasons we are yet to realize.

    Yes, they are pests too and that doesn't make them good for us at home but outside the house they are good for the environment.

    Mosquitoes are good for -

    1. Pollination

    2. Food for other animals. Thereby playing an important role in food chain.

    3. In future who knows scientists might discover something potential from them which will benefit human kind. Like the way they fly may provide some technology for flying, the way they use their senses to find food & shelter etc.

    4. Population control - when they spread disease. It is a sort of natural population control when people or animals die of disease spread by them.

    5. Another thing is that the worth of a creature may not be entirely known now but in the course of future you may find that they are more than just pest. Example - most of the animals today are or will become extinct apart from some exceptions.

    So when most of the insects die out the mosquitoes who are far more adaptable and resistant to pesticides will become a major prey for the animals that have learned to adapt as well or those who are primarily  dependent on them.

  2. Mosquitoes are food for thousands of different species.  

  3. Mosquitoes are good because they are food for other animals like Dragonflies etc. If we didn't have mosquitoes we wouldn't have Dragonflies and if we didn't have dragonflies we wouldn't have what ate them and so on. What a good question. I hope this helps.  

  4. Mosquito this. Mosquito that. You’ve been telling us about mosquitoes. Now tell us: what good are they? Seems all they do is make us itch.

    That they do. They also sometimes spread diseases. And that’s a more serious problem. Examples of mosquito-borne diseases include malaria, yellow fever and West Nile virus.

    So mosquitoes aren’t exactly a friend. At least not to humans.

    But they are a friend to flowers. They slurp, suck and otherwise feed on sugary plant juice and nectar. In doing so they pollinate flowers. And that’s an important job in nature.

    (Female mosquitoes feed on blood, too, of course. Sometimes yours! They need a blood meal to be able to lay eggs.)

    Mosquitoes in turn are eaten themselves. Chock full of protein -- 42 percent as larvae -- they’re good food for fast-growing baby fish and birds.

    Contrary to popular misconception, mosquitoes are good for something -- specifically, feeding swallows, purple martins, bats, and some predatory insects

  5. People do not realize that mosquitoes have some beneficial qualities mainly as food sources for fish and aquatic insects as larvae and for dragonflies, other insects, and bats as adults.

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