
Why are most Americans crying about Obama tax plan and we are giving Georgia a billion dollars to rebuild?

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We give tax payers money to Israel, Egypt and many other countries. I don't here anybody crying about that. I'm willing to pay higher taxes to help people in my country. This just don't make sense to me. Democrats and Republicans supporters are nutts. These guy can retire after 1 term and they got you fools fighting against each other. Free health care at walter reed they opt out of paying social security tax. Who's the fool here?




  1. Because we can still do something about Obama

  2. Both, to put it bluntly - s*ck. Raising taxes & giving money we dont have to countries, many run by dictators who take the dough for themselves.

    I wish both would stop.

  3. The fools would be the ones who voted for Bush.

    The Morons, are the ones who voted for Bush TWICE.

    The totally brain DEAD, are the ones now pushing for a third term of failed or NO policies.............

    I don't know what I will have to refer  to people as---- should, by some inexplicable force of sheer stupidity...........McCain actually wins.

    God Forbid.........

  4. America gives more in foreign aid than anyone. Funnily enough, they're giving more to Georgia as 'rebuilding' funds than they did for the rebuilding after the tsunami in 2004.    

  5. It's important that we help grow friendly countries as a means to help combat unfriendly countries. The stronger our allies are, the better equipped they are to help us deal with our adversaries.  

  6. America has Billions of dollars in investments in Georgia. Investing gets a return. Giving congress money to give back to poor people isn't investing. Its a handout.

  7. Nice try - read your boy's Global Poverty Act and tell me where Obama is gonna get the money for that.  Is he gonna start playing Powerball and Mega-Millions?

  8. Cuz were smart down here in kick town!

  9. The fools are the Republicans.  Their BS about "smaller government/lower taxes" is a total lie.  Their gov't. will be just as big, but with a different focus, and it's NOT to spend money on our own problems and infrastructure.  The lower taxes lie only applies if you're super rich and the tradeoff is deficit spending.

    I trust that democrats will focus on domestic issues now rather that wasting money on endless wars.  Don't listen to these folks that start bringing up Jimmy Carter and 18th and 19th century dems. and repubs.  The parties have evolved and today's dems. know it's not necessary to return to extremes of the past.

  10. We're giving Georgia money and support because of the The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.  It's all oil-related.

    And the Americans who are crying over Obama's tax plan are the ones relying on McCain's explanation of it - it's not even a tax increase!  Obama has proposed to keep Bush's tax cuts from 2001 and 2003 (all due to expire in 2011) and make them permanent - except for the tax cuts which benefit Americans earning over $250,000 a year.  Those are going to revert back to normal in 2011 - something which congress is apparently fine with.

    I agree that Americans should take another look at our support of other countries, though - has our special relationship with the governments of Israel or Saudi Arabia helped protect America?  Don't think so...  Life's getting more and more dangerous, as far as I can tell.

  11. Here's the deal.. you say that you are willing to pay higher taxes to help people in this country.  Why exactly do you need the government to force you to pay to help others?  Why don't you do it on your own already?  There's nothing stopping you from donating money to whatever causes you agree with or helping out in the nearest soup kitchen or whatever you want to do. That's the beauty of freedom.  Why do so many choose to do nothing unless the government forces them to? That's not very American.

    Republicans aren't against helping others. They are against the government controlling you and forcing you to do it.

  12. KPK02 said"give your money to the nearest soup kitchen"One of the richest countries in the world still has soup kitchens?We have a Foreign Aid budget but we also have Free medical care  for every citizen paid for out of taxes and for all over 65 free bus travel throughtout the U.K./Free T.V./free fuel allowanceFree eye tests/.Dental care. and plenty more.All you need is the will to do it.

  13. Look to the source, the giver of the money.......Bush !

  14. That's the problem with letting politicians have so much money and power.  They tend to expend them on their own pet projects.  But since 99% of the U.S. population is only to happy to loot their neighbors for what they hope will be their own gain that they completely miss that we all end up poorer.  Such is how nations doom themselves.

  15. Because republicans are extremely stupid.

  16. Ever heard of Obama's "Global Poverty Act" ? He wants to end world poverty -- with Americans footing the bill. It would cost $2,500 or more from each American citizen to pay for it.

    That's $845 billion more than we are spending now. STILL VOTING FOR OBAMA? If so you need to quit whining about a measly $1 billion!

  17. you dont think American should have compassion and help other countries?

  18. Maybe Oscar Wilde had it right?

    "Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people."  --  Oscar Wilde

  19. I guess you have neglected to look at the additional taxes Obama plans to impose..such as proposed in his "Global Poverty Act"-this would impose additional taxes on US citizens to pay for "worldwide poverty" via the UN..when the USA already gives out more in foriegn aid than any country world how is that helping YOUR country? and theres the carbon tax to think about too.You have'nt looked beyond the smoke and mirrors.

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