
Why are most Christians conservative and vote republican when...?

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If you think about it Jesus was liberal...

He went everywhere healing people for free and

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is very liberal thinking




  1. Jesus was all about life and living it more abundantly he even so stated that, the liberals are against life by their pro choice agenda so if you are Christian then life is special and a gift from God you can not vote in good conscience for those that want to make it legal on every front to kill the unborn  

  2. I come from a highly-conservative Christian family.  I am the black sheep for being a liberal Christian.

    My family members vote based FIRSTLY and MOST IMPORTANTLY on pro-life policies.  "Republicans love you... until you're born."

    I vote based on the quality of life that will be offered.  I would prefer that aborted babies were just never conceived in the first place (if they're unwanted, then grow up and use protection!).  But I'm not willing to let everyone else's lives suffer just because the pro-lifer candidate has no economics, foreign diplomacy, military, social, organizational, etc. policies to make life WORTH living for those who survive their own gestation period.  And that does NOT mean free handouts, either.  It means ensuring that through the dignity of your own labor you will be able to eke out a reasonable livelihood, without struggling against unfair odds like tax cuts only for people who are the richest.

    I personally hate the concept of welfare.  Want to see the program killed.  Don't like abortion, but I'm smart enough to see we can't completely get rid of it at this point, just try to educate and limit its usage, at least be firm about late-term abortions.  Looking at my candidate options for this election, I see that one (who just so happens to be the Democrat this time) speaks about Americans working hard for themselves to fix things as a whole (the exact opposite of welfare).  And I see the other who has no economic policies to speak of and even he admits he hasn't a clue.

    Voting based on pro-life only is a wasted vote.  What has Dubya done for the pro-life cause?  Nothing.  Abortion is still just as available as ever.  And let's not even get into the whole Iraq stuff.  Had the pro-lifers stopped and developed an intelligent thought, they could have SAVED SOME AMERICAN and IRAQI LIVES by not voting for Bush a second time.  Instead, there are still tons of abortion deaths AND military deaths.  Smart.  Very smart.

  3. uh..He also supported(all) scripture 100%...even the part about 'you don't work,you don't eat'..That alone kills any liberal leanings!!!

  4. Jesus was NOT a liberal!

    Jesus was NOT political!

    Just because he said we need to help the poor doesn't mean I have to use YOUR method to help the poor.

    I prefer donating to charities myself rather than having the government confiscate our money & waste half of it before the poor gets any help!

    Jesus said to GIVE your OWN money to the poor.  NOT to take from the rich to give to the poor.  Too many liberals confuse Jesus Christ with Robin Hood.

  5. Yeah, Just like Christians are always the first responders in times of tragedy.

    But Jesus did not go around marrying men to each other and killing babies so it would be more "convenient" for their S****y mothers.

    I don't remember him taking money from random people to give to the lazy so they could continue to lay around everyday.

    Of coarse Liberals read the bible very selectively just like they revise all history to try and justify their selfishness and cowardice,

  6. Jesus was not a liberal.  He was right all the time.

  7. Ya i dont think he preached killing the unborn and g**s rights to marriage  

  8. Conservatives believe (and usually act on it) that COMMUNITY should take care of the things that Liberals try to have the GOVERNMENT take care of.

    We're not opposed to people being taken care of ... we just don't think that the government should steal our hard-earned money to do so when it can be done more cost effectively either in private sector or through volunteerism.

    Yeah, I volunteer, and a lot of my fellow conservatives do as well, but the more tax money they take to take care of things in sloppy fashion, the more I have to work to pay for it, the less time I have to do the things I believe in.  That's why I'm conservative ... to fight for the right to have time for my family and to help the homeless.

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