
Why are most Christians so afraid of Obama? Don't they trust their god to protect them?

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It seems to me that they don't. Why else would they be busily spreading vicious lies and innuendo about him at every turn in an attempt to keep him from winning the election?




  1. I'm a christian but I am not afraid of Barak Hussein Obama.  

  2. Trust God? Nah.  He would ignore their followers.  Look at what he did in China.  No kidding.  In fact, the Chinese people are Christians.

  3. Atheist For Obama!!!

  4. It's because they are racist, not because they really think he isn't a christian, they just don't want to come out and say it.

    What gets me is they yell that all you have to do is accept JC as your savior, but when someone does that, it's still not good enough.  It's obvious he's a christian and has been for 20 years.  So it must be his skin color... they are just hiding that behind their other c**p.

  5. It could be a turning point in this country for the WASP's


  6. Who is really obamas God anyways? "Accept Jesus and live"

    God loves you....God bless

  7. Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    That is what they do - they have not singled out Obama they just seem to hate everyone!!

    There is no loving god in the American church anymore and they seem bent on showing the world how nasty, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted America has become!!!

  8. Hey man, I'm a Catholic and personally, I am FED UP with all the other christians saying that Obama is the Anti-christ. Perhaps they are basing the "evidence" on the fact that he is black. But it only seems to be the Fundies who are saying Obama is the Anti-Christ.

  9. Simply put, some narrow-minded people are terrified of change.  That's all it boils down to.

  10. Because the people that listen to negative political  messages usually don't check their sources.  

    Remember, lies and innuendo WORK.  

    And the people spreading the misinformation are counting on the fact that  nobody checks their accuracy.  

  11. thats the best point ive heard on y!a all month! its so true, that its not even funny. its just pathetic!

  12. nope

  13. I am not afraid, I actually think he is gonna win. Because everything is according to God's will - so be it.

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