
Why are most abortions done? Birth control or health reasons?

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Birth control, meaning they don't want a baby at the time for a variety of reasons. The same reasons contraceptives are used.




  1. Randolph: Thats a load of c**p dude.... If you can't afford it you should be using FREE condoms or birth control pills, and EVEN if you disregard those you could always put it up for adoption, there's really no need for this many abortions in today's world.

    Abortion was put in place with the idea that it would help women who had health concerns regarding childbirth. There's really no way that even 10% of the millions of abortions performed per year are health related.

    Its just being used as birth control.

  2. I read something like 2/3 of women who have abortions do it because they can't afford a baby.

  3. I've known a few girls who got pregnant in high school and got abortions because they were either told to do it by a parent or boyfriend, or they just decided that they weren't ready to be mothers. Of the three girls I know, each and every one regrets it.

    My mom also had a friend who had a tubal pregnancy and the doctors wanted her to get an abortion because it would have killed her. This friend was a very strong Christian and against abortion. She said that she had to seriously pray about it, but before she was able to reach an answer, she had a miscarage and her life was saved.

    I think that the majority of the cases, at least the ones that I know of were because the mother wasn't "ready" to be a mom.

  4. Mostly birth control.  Would you want to be born to a mother who didn't really want you?

  5. less than 5% of all abortions are health related, most abortions are performed because the mother doesnt want to be inconvenienced with a child so she just kills it before it changes her lifestyle. Abortions allow a women to have s*x without any form of birth control.

  6. Definitely birth control.

  7. Abortion happens because the men who did the impregnating are inept in some way. Usually the men who sired the children are unwilling or unable to financially provide for the child who was conceived.  

  8. Very often its because of poverty:

    "The abortion rate among women living below the federal poverty level ($9,570 for a single woman with no children) is more than four times that of women above 300% of the poverty level (44 vs. 10 abortions per 1,000 women).

    The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner."

    Stop passing judgment on things you understand nothing about.

  9. why ask opinions when all you need do is google?

  10. I think most abortions are performed as a form of birth control.

  11. I have personally never heard of an abortion done for health reasons.  I've heard of a few done for what basically amounts to birth control reasons though.

  12. Birth control I think.  

  13. Birth control is about 95-98% of the reasons for all abortions, depending on how the questions are asked.

  14. Most abortions are done because the mom new that she was in no position to provide for the potential child.She didn't want to ruin the potential child's life and it is a decision she does not take lightly.She see's too too many women who say they will love the child but then the kid is neglected and often abused physically and emotionally.She see's too many women who say they will give the child up for adoption , only too change her mind after it is too late.Then a few months down the road , after the novelty has worn off, she doesn't want the child anymore. By then the mom is use to the support and or welfare she is receiving  so instead of giving the child up then, she just ignores the kid and starts living her life as she pleases,out all night.

    She also see's too too many kids in foster-care when the bleeding heart libs are spouting off about all the family's that want to adopt.

  15. Contraceptives can fail, even when being used properly. I would like to see a reduction in the number of abortions but until contraceptives can be made so they never fail, there will continue to be abortions. For many people, that is what they have decided is the better choice than having the baby and putting it up for adoption. Adoption isn't always the win-win situation many people like to make it out to be. It basically is giving your baby away to strangers with the possibility that you will never see that person again. Many women feel a sense of loss and guilt for years afterwards. Some have described those feelings as being worse than having an abortion.

  16. Birth control.  

  17. Most are not performed for health reasons but I would be reluctant to say that they are done as a form of birth control.  Birth control can fail.  

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