
Why are most animals automaticly named "dangerous"?

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i beleave no animal is dangerous if u make it dangerous (provoked)




  1. Really, Victoria, I think I told you the answer to this a few days ago. Some animals are dangerous even if you don't provoke them. Like that one guy said, if you really want to know, why don't you just go stand in front of a hungry lion and wait a few seconds. I'm sure you'll get something out of it. And when you get something out of it, it will be getting a toothpick to pluck the bones out of it's teeth.

  2. To think no animal is dangerous is as wrong as to think every animal is dangerous.

    It's true with pets and domestic animals, that they learn a lot from their owners.  So if a dog has a bad owner, it may be dangerous to the neighborhood kids.  That isn't the kids' fault.

    But where dogs run feral (without anybody to take care of them) they are basically wild animals, and they will kill for food just like a coyotes or wolves.  This makes them dangerous; nobody has to provoke them.  It's the same with any wild predator big enough to tackle a human.  

    Also, you can easily provoke an animal without meaning to.  You could be walking along and step on a rattlesnake.  What would you do if you were that rattlesnake?  Yet you didn't mean any harm.  Rattlesnakes are dangerous even though they really have no desire to harm you.

  3. any animal can be  potentially dangerous deadly and unpredictable  like cornering a  hooding cobra or  a  man-eating  crocodile tigers lions leopards or a charging bear  elephant? no matter what,they'll kill you.

  4. Because it warns people. Then they will not provoke the animals so they remain harmless, it's in the best interest of both the human and the animal.

    Provoking could have many meanings. For a lot of animals you are already provoking it by standing too close, in it's territory.

    You are probably right in the way that animals will practically never actively look for humans to harm. But a lot are very easilly provoked.

  5. Every animal has the potential to be dangerous. If you believe no animal is naturally dangerous, you have never met a truly MEAN animal. They exist. Just like mean people exist. True, more often than not, an animal will not become dangerous unless provoked, but what kind of provocation are we talking about? Bull elephants entering their first musk are extremely DANGEROUS. They will run you down for NO REASON, other than hormones. That's just how they are. You may have done nothing, just been walking, driving, whatever, not even in his area, but he sees you and it's game time. Tigers, or big cats of any kind really, will take advantage of you if you let them. You, again, don't have to provoke them. They could simply be hungry, and you look like an easy meal. There you go. That was dangerous.

    The level and interpretation of a dangerous animal, is all based on circumstance, and assumption. It all depends. But no animal can't be dangerous. Everything and everyone has the potential to harm, if even a little, provoked or not.

  6. I believe that most animals don't see a human as friends but more as a creature who could possibly harm they come out to seem like their dangerous all the time but really they are just protecting them selfs from any possible harm humans could cause them. Simple.....

  7. Not true.  Many wild animals can act unpredictably so they should be considered dangerous.  I walked right past a mountain lion a few years ago that killed and partially ate some mountain biker the day before.  He attacked and almost killed a girl on bike a few hours after I went by.  Neither provoke it.  It was a predator that decided to eat people.

  8. Really. You think a hungry lion is not dangerous? How about you just go and stand 10 meters away from a hungry lion. You are not provoking it right? Lets see if you live to tell me about your experience.

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