
Why are most attarctive women still single?

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i know too many girls who are above average in appearance and they are still single, i can't seem to figure out don't pretty girls always finish first? it seems men who express interest are never strong enough to approach and those who do tend to be slimy and only interested in s*x. nice guys are too scared or simply dont bother....why is that?




  1. there is no 'nice guy' - all guys are interested in s*x

  2. i dont think thats true i know very attracitve girls and they have boyfriends,if boys ask do you have a bf they say yes and they say its always the nice girls that have bf's, im not saying only ugly people dont have bf cause this isnt true.

  3. the intimidate

  4. Guys feel threatened by REALLY pretty girls

    iv herd guys say stuff wen a girl is pointed out to them lyk "oh no shes to out of my leage"

    also personality is also a big factor not looks alot of guys hate stuck up or up themselves girls.

    guys like funloving girls wit good/cheeky attitude.

    tho hot girls r cool too.

    =\ my brother helped me wit this one if yu can tell lol

    guys help me??;...

    hope it helped anyways! xx

  5. because they lack confidence and conviction.  Women don't want a nice guy.. they want a bad boy that fills them with excitement and passion.  Sure they SAY they want a weenie, but want they really want is a ... well you know.

    reason most of the most awesome women are single is because I'm married and I chose the most awesome of the awesome.  the rest are staying single in hopes that I become available some day.

  6. sometime some of them ignored the guys who liked them and went for the once who just want s*x, and now that no one want them, they end up being single.  There is nothing wrong with girls going after guys either. We're in the 21st century after all.

  7. because they know they can do better than average joes so they like to tease the average joes while looking for a hunk

  8. Because deep down they are very, very picky.

  9. becuz we are expecting rejection

  10. I think it's just because their standards are higher.

  11. Most girls such as my old self, set their standards too high. Then they meet a guy who is " above the quota" and they turn out to be a******s. thus turning us to the lower status guys who in turn usually end up a******s. really its about finding a guy whos in between and very hard to find, ultimately leaving them single...or like a close friend of mine...g*y.  

  12. attractive girls sholdnt date, they should just have flings, there are to many guys who want those genes

    it is only natural for guys to see hot girls and just want to have s*x with them, I think this natural instinct surpresses their ability to go up to them and be phony with them, their natural instinct is to just go up to them and make out with them and grasp them, where as girls who are lesser attractive are easier to be phony with and talk to

    Basically if we didnt have laws and morals hot girls would probably be raped non stop

  13. Most pretty girls don't make themselves available or approachable! The pretty girls tend to be stereotyped as B**chy, it's sad but true.. Don't feel bad for them, they usually end up marrying the really rich guys, so it all works out in the end!! LOL

  14. They're too intimidating.

  15. Not only are they pretty, but they are smart too!

  16. like i've been trying to tell you women,nice guys are giving up,we are sick of all your bs,we are either turning into your so called bad boy are just choosing to live alone

  17. I know that (our?) confidence scares guys off a little, making us seem unapproachable. I've learned to approach the shy guys that I like because of it :)  

  18. It's either we still have our mind set on that one guy that hurt us, or we just aren't ready.

    But yeah, I find myself attractive enough, I mean, I'm not insanely gorgeous, but I question my single-ness.

  19. Because I got better sh*t to do then chase around some pretty face. I got a job, school , and goals , once I accomplish those , they will be chasing me.  

  20. Two reasons:

    Complex 1: Attractive women intimidate men into thinking they're way too good for them and are already taken, hence they are never asked out because nice guys are usually shy or not up themselves so don't think they have a chance.

    Complex 2: The girls are turning down a lot of guys because they probably have too high standards, it is difficult for them to find the right guy, and they don't particularly feel they need to.

    Overall good guys are too shy and sleeze bags are the only guys who ask them out, therefore, these girls who are extremely pretty should consider asking out or at least talking to some of the stand offish guys they see around, who knows, they might find the perfect match.

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