
Why are most men such hypocrites?

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Why do they constantly want the truth about everything, but just completely lie to you about everything in return??

I'm so sick of it!




  1. you must have come accross some bad eggs in your time as honestly there are some great guys out there, as far as hypocrites are concerned both genders fill that one....Change your social circle...

  2. Because no one likes to be lied to, yet if the truth is hurtful, they try to avoid it at all costs.  Such is life I guess.

  3. Because they are rulers of the entire world.

  4. Perhaps its just that those are the kind of men you attract. Maybe a better attitude would help you attract better men?

    Good luck :)

  5. Situation A:

    -Kim: Hey Gary, I want your opinion on this dress.

    -Gary: Ok. *looks at her* What about it?

    -Kim: Does it make me look fat? I think it makes me look fat.

    -Gary: *looks at her and sees that the contours of the dress seem to put accents in the wrong places, and makes her look a bit chunkier*  Yeah, it makes you seem a little heavier.

    Conclusion: Gary is swiftly put into "the doghouse" for his comment. Apparently, when women want the truth about something, it had better be something positive, or else you're going to pay. Who knew?

    Honestly. :P

    Reality: No gender owns the term "hypocrite". Individuals of both genders do.

  6. Perhaps you should rephrase your question to "some men."

    I know women that are hypocrites but like men it is merely a percentage. Some men do lie. They cheat on their wives but get mad as h**l if the wife does it. The problem is that some men absolutely need, not want, the truth and they fell that by lying in return they have satisfied the other individuals conscience.

    My brother is very notorious for this.

    You want my opinion on how you look, I'll tell you the truth. But don't whine at what I say. Because you asked.

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